Diesel heater stopped working



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Yesterday my diesel heater stopped working. I turn on the switch on the control panel it shows a green light and the fan starts and runs for 19s before blowing the main 25amp fuse.

Would anyone have experience with these please?

Where do I find the model number of the diesel heater I'm guessing it an eberspacher?

Thanks all.
Sounds like a glow plug issue to me.
It times out after a short period and should switch off once ignition takes place.

Seems as if it's not switching off.

Find the manual in our useful info section and it will tell you the time the glue plug should be energised for. It's not long , 10 seconds or thereabouts.
It could be a control module issue.

Can I disconnect the lead running to the glow plug and then try starting the Eberspacher?

I'm thinking if it runs but doesn't fire then its probably the glow plug.

No idea, but it would seem like a reasonable thing to try.
Can I disconnect the lead running to the glow plug and then try starting the Eberspacher?

I'm thinking if it runs but doesn't fire then its probably the glow plug.

Hmmmm? Not sure what this will prove other than the fan works. If the glow plug doesn't heat and time out then the control unit will see it as a fault and shut down.
Only way is to give it a try.

The glow plug is essentially a resistive load so if it fails then it will fail open circuit and take zero load. The fact the 25A fuse is blowing leads me to think it's the glow plug timer circuit ie the fuse is simply over heating and failing due to excessive time.

What you could try is manually disconnect the glow plug after the correct time interval. Undo the nut and remove the cable from the glow plug. It's easily accessible from under the van. (take care to note the washers under the ring connector).

Now hold the connector on the glow plug terminal and get the good lady to start the heater from inside the van. Now count or time the correct interval from the manual and remove the wire after the time elapses.
In theory the heater should now ignite and run.
This may at least prove the control circuit is faulty. I'm not saying this will work but it's what I'd try next..
Thinking more about this, it may be that the relay that switches the glow plug load also performs other functions so the above trial may not work. Try it anyway.

Do use something to hold the wire in place as the glue plug gets fookin hot, obvs !

We are talking about a diesel heater here and not petroleum ?
I managed to spend today working on the van and it was a the glow plug causing the heater fuse to trip. I think the image below shows the problem with the plug. 20160314_100851.jpg

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