Documents that are needed to Drive into Montenegro



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Hi All,
We have driven to Montenegro and Serbia (at different times) a number of times since having our Cali Beach. There is a lot of misinformation including from Insurance companies about which documents are required for entry. Plus, although both countries are in Europe they are not EU. Be careful when buying "European Breakdown Cover" This cover does not always include non-EU European countries.
So I thought I'd let you know what we take with us to make sure that we are not refused entry.
I keep everything in a Vehicle document file like this ( Its slim and everything is easy to get to.
- The ORIGINAL copy of your V5C is essential. If you cannot provide it when asked you will be refused entry. Photocopies are not allowed.
- Original copy of insurance, MOT
-Green Card insurance. Although Montenegro is part of the green card scheme the UK does not honour this part. However, you will have to have it to enter Croatia and you can buy Insurance at the Croatia/Montenegro boarder but they will have to see that you have a valid green card. You must insist that you receive this before you leave.
-We take a Print out from the Vehicle tax confirmation email.
-International Driving Permits (£5 from Post Office)
-Paper counterpart Driving Licence. (Driving Licence card I hold in my purse separately from counterpart)
-Photocopy of EHIC Cards - (original cards we keep with our Passports)
-Photocopy of Passports (incase Passports go missing)
- AA breakdown cover Geographical Zone 3

European Breakdown cover. Do check you have the correct Zone. RAC were tried to sell us one yet it didn't include Montenegro. The man on the phone told me that MN was not in Europe!!!! So, I had to ask to speak to someone else instead of giving him a lesson in Geography (as I did with the Lady from Vodafone!)
I have read people saying that Boarder control do not look at these documents. However, every time we have travelled we have been asked. Our friends came to meet us one year. We had the call to say they were at the boarder. Got all excited thinking we would all be together in 3 hrs. Then the call came that they didn't have the V5 and were refused entry. :( Devistating :(

We have been at the boarder and seen Croatian/MN boarder control turn people away. The other year it was a VW camper and the driver was in tears.

Please make sure you have all the originals where possible. V5C is essential.
Please triple check your green card and dates.
Please ensure you have correct European breakdown cover.
Please have a fabulous time. :)

Happy Travels
So my wife is currently onboard a ferry crossing for Bari in southern Italy to what she thought was Dubrovnik. Turns out it’s going to Bar in Montenegro. She has with her, hers & the kids passports, original V5 document, Driver’s license (card) & print out of the insurance policy. She’ll be looking to cross the border from Montenegro to Croatia in the next day or two. Is there anything she need prior to this? Where can she gat green card insurance prior to the border point? Will she need an international driving permit? I’m flying back out to Dubrovnik to meet them but I’m starting to panic a little that she & the kids are going to be stuck at the border crossing! The fact they let her board the ferry I guess is a positive sign but she did say the woman who checked them on called ahead to check the insurance document she had was acceptable as she is a named driver on the policy & im the main name on the V5.
She should be ok. She maybe asked to buy additional insurance for Montenegro at the the boarder. I’ve never travelled there by ferry. The green card is bought through your insurance company. And although Montenegro is part of the green card scheme, our insurance ( Direct Line) underwriters Exclude MN for some reason.
Fingers crossed your wife and children have a nice smooth uneventful journey. Other people have just been waved through. Do let me know how it went. Have a lovely holiday.
So she made it into Montenegro fine, went into town at Bar & managed to buy 12days insurance for €15 from an insurance broker that she was directed to by the tourist information centre. They are currently set up at a lovely campsite on the bay of Kotor where they’ll stay for the next couple of nights before crossing the border.
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So she made it into Montenegro fine, went into town at Bar & managed to buy 12days insurance for €15 from an insurance broker that she was directed to by the tourist information centre. They are currently set up at a lovely campsite on the bay of Katie where they’ll stay for the next couple of nights before crossing the border.

Would I be right to guess that the insurance only covers 3rd party?
Not entirely sure. I’ll ask her next time we speak

VW California Club
