Dover to calais



T6.1 Ocean 204
Anyone else constantly pulled in by security on Dover to Calais route. We were even pulled over on the way out at Dover. Is it really because I’m now in a VW camper??
If you mean getting screened for forbidden substances (explosives and what else ?) by swabs at Eurotunnel - I've been picked for that test since I can remember.
I drive to the continent on my own every summer - and I have been regularly selected on my way out..
In the rare occasions I travelled with family I typically got away with it.
I no longer care, the personnel is usually efficient and polite.
Been twice. Pulled in once on the UK side. Never FR side. Be the luck of the draw and statistics. They also like to check the gas bottles are off, so might also be that.
Anyone else constantly pulled in by security on Dover to Calais route. We were even pulled over on the way out at Dover. Is it really because I’m now in a VW camper??
If it’s your turn then it’s your turn. 10 can go through then they can check the next 10. Doesn’t matter who you are or what you look like or how old you are or what you are driving the chances are you will get stopped and checked. Customs are not really bothered you are taking a packet of butter or bacon. They are checking for drugs, firearms and explosives.
We have been challenged only once by the Douanier on arriving in Dunkerque, a very friendly ex-parachutiste, only wanted to know if we had sufficient monies to return to the UK. Vehicle not checked. Not really concerned after I told him we were going to Ypres (Ieper) Belgium for the 100km Ieper battlefield walk. ( ) For anyone interested.
I get pulled over for a swab test every time going out through the Chunnel.

My wife sits in the back with our dog and it looks like I’m driving alone. Might be that !
Not the Chunnel but the Dover to Calais ferry. Since getting my VW ocean I get pulled over every time coming back through Dover and was even pulled in when we were leaving Dover. Never had this once when I owned a car. What is it with campers??
What is it with campers??
You read every week about some pensioner couple being busted for having something contraband in their camper, including illegal immigrants. It's just the demographic. Luckily we don't all fund our trips that way....

VW California Club
