Draining Tanks and pipes for a german winter



Could anybody help me to find the correct fuse,which needs to be taken out before opening the tap ti drain water in pipes.Have drained the tanks .Fuse number S1 16 but cannot find this fuse in box under dash,we get very cold winters here down to minus 15 c,so I assume need to drain pipes swell as tanks.It's Calls first time in Germany she is six myths old and now has her winter tyres on,as we await the first snow fall.
Pg sup :thanks
i'm guessing that's the fuse for the water pump? I've never bothered removing a fuse, just open the drain and empty.

I think the fuse is under the passenger seat on a uk cali not sure which one
Do not bother to search for the fuse. Open the drains, drive a little to empty the tanks with different angles. In the meantime, run the tap several times in short intervals (to avoid overheating) to empty the pump.
That was enough last year for Polish winter.

You don't need to remove any fuses.

With a bit of practice, you can open the tap (gently) just enough to let the water drain back down, but not enough to turn the pump on.
Leave it like that for a few minutes until draining stops.
You judge all this by listening near the tap...
I did not go for it, but it would probably be much easier to disconnect the pump directly inside the cupboard with mirror, under the round cover on the bottom there, than search for the fuse under the seat.
I disconnected the electrical connection under the circular hatch in the wardrobe as described on this site- very easy, just two wires down there, one I think for the level indicator and the other for the tap pump. Try both in turn and open the tap, when the pump doesn't whirr that's the right one. Leave the tap slightly open and the water in the pipe will migrate back to the tank.

A word of warning:- tie the wire you disconnect to stop it disappearing down inside the void where it would be difficult to get it back :thumb

Takes seconds to re-connect the wire.

Good luck :D

Thanks for the replies and advice,we will try to remove what water is left in the system,and let you know how we got on.
Thank you all once more
Very grateful to this forum
Bear regards

I may disagree a little with my fellow camper regarding the need to remove the fuse to aid draining the domestic water system. I would say do it! When you do you will hear the water draining back into the tank. So there is plenty to freeze between the tap and the tank. Once you have removed the fuse and opened the tap you can also blow into the tap to check that it is all properly drained.

On my Cali the fuse can not be identified from the manual as the fuse layouts clearly vary. Mine is under the passenger seat in a Right Hand Drive camper. If you have a Left Hand Drive, it may be under your driver seat.

Turn the seat around so that it is facing backwards, then slide it fully towards the back of the vehicle. This will expose the fuse deck. In my cali the tap fuse is the middle of the 3 fuses nearest the door. Orange 5 amp fuse.

See the attached pic.

Hope this helps.


  • Tap Fuse.pdf
    170.3 KB · Views: 147
IMO winter's too hard on a camper and for too little enjoyment so mine goes away for winter. I have a BMW 4WD to do the hard yards through the cold, ice and snow. It was made for it.

I drain my tanks and pipes at the end of October. I give her a lovely wash and hand wax all over then I tuck her up in a nice dry garage with both leisure and car batteries on trickle charge. Every few weeks (if it's a dry day) I start her up, bring her outside and run her up to operating temp. I run the aux heater, I run the air con. I check everything is working just fine. Then I put her away and tuck her in again for the long winter sleep. In spring she comes back out of hibernation fresh and ready for the new season.
Mountain man you are a saviour. My wife thought she was losing it because she couldn't work out the diagram in the manual. I shall have her scrabbling under the seat tomorrow.
Have drained system disconnecting electrical connection to water pump in wardrobe,easy to identify which connection it is,did not blow through water tap but will redo as now I know what to do,will take no time to repeat process.
My take on this is,either disconnect at the pump in wardrobe ,or fuse out under seat,but all water to be drained.
I thank the forum once again,invaluable input and information.
pgsup :goodone
I have just replaced the 5amp fuse under the seat which was blown......

But the water pump is not activating....although when lift the tap handle I can hear the mechanical activation of the switch.....any ideas.....?

Plus where is the water pump and is this easy to change if it's the problem......
Its probably your impeller stuck I will pm you my number if you need advice on changing the waterpump :thumb
Yes please calikev......

Is the water pump under the wardrobe ?.....I have the factory fit safe in the bottom of the wardrobe !


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