Driver Door won't open and lock properly



VIP Member
Hello, firstly may I apologise for our absence.

I have been a tad ill and the wife has been flogged and beaten by the NHS management.

The van has developed a technical glitch. When shown any kind of heat the drivers door will not operate with the fob. Therefore it has to opened manually from inside. To lock we now have to push the wee button down and then fob lock the van.

This morning I woke up to find the vans front windows both half down. It was a cold night..if that means any thing. However, the front drivers door did operate on the fob and opened? Weird. Later on this aft the drivers lock was doing the same old thing....not a lot.

Finally, on a really hot day the driver door simply refused to open...manually, fob, crow bar! Once the vehicle had cooled we were back to the same old manual operation only.

Any one have similar issues..oh and not a squeak from where we bought it from. So we're also looking to take to a Dealer that give a shoe . Is Preston any good?


Dan and Lisa :help
I'm presuming not ?

Anyone else got a Cali with these symptoms...anyone...
Hang on, the links not on this replay, I'll try again.
...MY wife says..non !

It's under warry and I think it will be making a trip to a dealership

Thanks for the effort though, appreciated!

Not that uncommon - I had this on a T5 I used to own and fixed it with a VW Assist guy and my soldering skills. VW had it logged as a fault that had occurred on other vehicles and digging up the carpet / mat under the drivers seat revealed damp and a selection of corroded copper wires. Fault was open circuit at a wire junction splice - thus removed and soldered and fixed.
Not a great thing to happen as with a deadlock on my passenger door I couldn't open the fuel tank flap....!

VW California Club
