Hi there. I have read a few threads on camping toilets and had a look online...
- I'm put off the portapotti by the chemicals (I know there are eco chemicals but still would rather avoid the use of chemicals for several reasons)... husband wondered if it was possible to use without the chemicals (will be smellier, I get that, but will everything get stuck inside and wouldn't be able to clean it?)
- I'm put off the kampa khazi style by the size
- I'm put off the pop-a-loo by the use of single use carrier bags
So my best idea is currently
The foldable commode like this, with a collapsible bucket with a lid underneath
I also wondered about a sort of children's potty that was adult-bum sized (as in something you'd squat on rather than a throne type one)... I have yet to find this so let me know if it does exist!!
Any thoughts? If you don't use a chemical toilet, can you still dispose of it in grey waste? Or would we have to go tip it down the toilet?
- I'm put off the portapotti by the chemicals (I know there are eco chemicals but still would rather avoid the use of chemicals for several reasons)... husband wondered if it was possible to use without the chemicals (will be smellier, I get that, but will everything get stuck inside and wouldn't be able to clean it?)
- I'm put off the kampa khazi style by the size
- I'm put off the pop-a-loo by the use of single use carrier bags
So my best idea is currently
The foldable commode like this, with a collapsible bucket with a lid underneath
I also wondered about a sort of children's potty that was adult-bum sized (as in something you'd squat on rather than a throne type one)... I have yet to find this so let me know if it does exist!!
Any thoughts? If you don't use a chemical toilet, can you still dispose of it in grey waste? Or would we have to go tip it down the toilet?