Evening all!



Llandrindod Wells
T5 SE 140
Just signed up as am looking to buy a Cali. Spent an age hunting for converted vans, driven miles to visit a few, nearly bought a rust bucket, nearly bought a Wellhouse converted Hyundai .... and all the while the answer has been staring me in the face. My mate has one!
Narrowly missed out on 2 affordable ones already ( I will be at the cheap end of the spectrum!) so have just decided to be patient. And watch the ads like a hawk!
Amazed at the great deals to be had on eBay, where Calis are so cheap. Amazed also at the blatantly fraudulent adverts, copies from here, feedbacks all from the same date etc!
Welcome .
Evening spadge

Bought my first Cali this year,should have done it years ago. I had looked at conversions and I think the vw Cali ocean is the best layout. So when you find your ideal van may you have as much enjoyment as I am.
I had been looking into California's, but they all were 5 years or older, with 60 000 miles or more (100 000 km).
You don't want to know what they asked for them. So I pulled the plug and decided to spend a couple of € 1000 more (not that much more), and bought a new one.
I am very obsessed with well maintained equipment, so I think I would not have been able to find a well maintained California for a decent price.
Up to now I have not regret buying a new vehicle.
It was still a lot of money, but if I see the prices now for a new California, with the same equipment of mine, I should have to play over € 10000 more... for just the same? :shocked
Just signed up as am looking to buy a Cali. Spent an age hunting for converted vans, driven miles to visit a few, nearly bought a rust bucket, nearly bought a Wellhouse converted Hyundai .... and all the while the answer has been staring me in the face. My mate has one!
Narrowly missed out on 2 affordable ones already ( I will be at the cheap end of the spectrum!) so have just decided to be patient. And watch the ads like a hawk!
Amazed at the great deals to be had on eBay, where Calis are so cheap. Amazed also at the blatantly fraudulent adverts, copies from here, feedbacks all from the same date etc!

:welcomeDo you know which way you would be heading i.e. Ocean or beach.
:welcome I Remember that daily search for a Cali, and the ever increasing budget to try and get the right van.
A good starting point is go and see some oceans and beaches at dealers, even if you feel sure you want one or the other, It will cement in your mind how you will use the van and highlight the various differences and possible additional extras, all helpful during a search for the perfectly Cali.
Then drive some different engine sizes
Good luck in your search

VW California Club
