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Fault code



T6 Ocean 204 4Motion
IMG_1944.PNG So did a scan with my Carista and get a fault code on the infortainment system as the attached screen shot, any idea what the issues might be ? Can't seem to find an answer on the net
The trick with codes is to reset them and worry about the ones that come back. You get a lot of intermittent ones from low voltage etc.

Thanks Loz
If he's got component protection active, then the radio would have stopped working by now, it may have logged a component protection event if the battery has been disconnected. (you can only disconnect the radio for a max of 8 hours at a time before it goes into component protection mode)
Just to add the infortainment system is fully functional and as far as I know working just as it should do, owned vehicle for say 3 months and it was a ex demo with 4 miles on the clock, I've not disconnect the battery but I guess the dealership may have done whilst it was in their ownership.

I'm not to bothered about the fault code as all seems to be working its more a matter of curiosity really.
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