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Heads I win tails you lose
I wonder if you challenge the fact that VW failed to deliver your vehicle in the prescribed time frame stated at the inception of the contract / or within a reasonable time thereafter (delivery date stated at time of order) it was therefore VW who invariably varied the spirit of the original contract (not the customer).
which now disadvantages the customer, Who through no fault of his / her actions and who has no control over when VW chose to deliver the order, now has to pay more or lose some of the previous benefit of the agreed contract
there is a legal & moral argument which could be upheld.
fianacing in the U.K. is heavily regulated, regulators don’t like the consumer being rolled over and being asked to pay more for goods and services through no fault of their own!
the express intention of the contract was to secure business at a certain finance rate with the intention of delivering a produc within a reasonable time srated at the time of the contract (within a reasonable margin).
VW’s well documented inability to deliver orders or accurately inform customers of delays and potential variation to the original contract (in a timely manner) , should not allow VW to vary the intended contract to the detriment of the paying customer.
You don’t enter into a contract with VWFS when you order a vehicle, you choose to do so upon delivery for the dealer invoice to be settled on your behalf. I’m surprised VWFS are allocating any of their promotions budget to the Cali at all with such a full order book. Anything they offer over and above their standard terms should be treated as a bonus. In the scheme of things on a £50K+ vehicle on which you’ve quite possibly received a circa 12% discount, it’s minor. However, it does underline the importance of understanding the order contract you are signing to avoid any surprises. I understand both sides and of course, if I was in that position I’d be pushing VWFS but at this point in the process, I’d have no contract with them to enforce.