Free bumper repair



T5 SE 174
Picked up a tennis ball sized dent in rear offside bumper, right on the corner just beyond where the sensor is positioned. Tintagel car park I think but I didn't notice it straightaway. Don't think it was me but sensors were disabled due to towbar so it could have been. Saw a hefty bill heading my way but having polished out the white paint scrape marks I tried the boiling water and hairdryer solution to warm the plastic up. Apart from losing a bit of knuckle skin getting my fingers up the inside to give it a push back out, with a few dabs of touch up paint it's pretty much right as rain. It now sits in the "look close, added character" bracket which is fine by me. Knowing that the heat option works may help lower the temperature in someone else's van if it happens to you.
The quicker you can get boiling water on the damaged plastic the better the resulting repair.
good on you for sharing
Lucky escape if you ask me.
Whatever you do don't be taken in with the
science tologists at the Camelot hotel in Tintagel.

Unless you're into that kind of thing, i'm not, i'm non binary
and i'm woke.

VW California Club
