French fuel prices?

Earlier this month French autoroute prices were about Euros 1.60 to 1.70 for diesel, which was way above prices in Italy, Germany and even Switzerland where they were closer to UK prices.

In France you get a much better deal though if you fill up away from the autoroute.

We came through Luxembourg on our way back, and took opportunity to fill up with diesel at about a quid a litre there.

(They have some nice campsites in Lux also - we stayed in one on the bank of the River Sur/Sauer and I'd definitely make that stop-off again next time we're coming through that way, and not only for the cheap fuel.)
In Normandy, Manche area, Supermarket prices were about 1.40 Euros so roughly similar to UK £ price. No great saving as was the case in previous years.
I now fill up before leaving UK as by the time the current exchange rate cost is taken into consideration there isn't much of a saving.
Autoroute pricing as here in UK is expensive.
We found Germany much cheaper than France, about 1euro 23 cents.

VW California Club
