Fridge questions following new control unit fitted



Isle of Man
T5 SE 174
Hi guys...lacking knowledge again....
We have recently had our control unit replaced on our 2008 California...all seems to be working fine apart from the fridge doesn’t sound like it’s clicking on and on battery there is no increase in amps on the display?

It is cold outside so at the weekend will be running off hook up heating the van and trying again...but I would have assumed I should be able to hear a click and that it would pull some amps on the display despite it being cold already??
I have checked the unit and it reports no error codes...also not sure which is the fuse for the guide??

I would just like to problem solve before calling the dealer as it was working the last time we used it..

many thanks
Only ever heard ours on the odd occasion in the dead of night, don’t hear it click in just the compressor running very occasionally, it really is quiet.
It’s was not so much the running but the fact that it didnt appear to change the amp output when switching on and off?
Just found this info too which could be my issue

If your Cali is a 2008 SE, and the control panel is the original one, it will read in deg C, I think - mine did (in my 2008 SE) until I swapped the panel for a more recent one.

It seems that when changing the display (from dark numbers on a light background, to light numbers on a dark background), VW also changed the way in which the fridge temperature is displayed, from deg C, to a higher number = cooler fridge convention.

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