From lurker to poster! Signed up at last.



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Hi, Been reading with great interest loads of the posts in the forums for a while now. Bowled over by the enthusiasm you folks have for the Cali and the touring lifestyle! Been thinking about a camper for many years now and following some camping down Cornwall this summer decided now or never. Have always been a dreamer about a T2 but have grown to love the style and practicality of the modern day vans. To be honest reading the contributions of many of the posters on here was a BIG part in my inspiration to finally take the leap and I ordered a T6 Ocean a week ago. Not sure if im alone in then having immediate buyers nerves but I now cant wait. Family are super excited with the youngest kids (2 & 4 years old) having to be 'peeled' from the showroom in tears as they thought we were taking away the Cali they had been playing in. Have learned so much from the posters on here so many thanks and reading the discount thread put me in a strong position to get an excellent discount from the dealer. Look forward to learning from many of the Cali Vet's on here and sharing future adventures. TomC
A nice welcome from Belgium!
Gonna have a great time here in the wait before collection of your T6 , obsorb as much info you can ....
Thanks Hotel C I will be in sponge mode learning from the good folks on here.

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I was terribly nervous when I ordered Albert.

Spent weeks agonising over whether I could cope living in such a tiny space.

Picked Albert up on the 6th January, in the middle of a violent winter storm, and disappeared down to Cornwall on the 7th, in the midst of another one.

Ever since I've been kicking myself for not getting one years ago, I'm like a grown-up kid with a new toy, I've never had so much fun, and some white-knuckle exciting adventures, in such a short space of time and the versatility and flexibility of the vehicle I still find exhilarating.

Congratulations on your most wise purchase and a bonk on the head for not doing it earlier :D
Your enthusiasm comes through loud and clear Granny Jen and look forward to living out some adventures, not so sure about white knuckle mind. Hopefully you can suggest some tame starter destinations to get underway. T

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Hi Tom C and welcome.
Like you, we were a little nervous when first acquiring, but just coming up to our first anniversary (a year in November), we'd concur with all who say they wish they's done it years ago.
We've had many fantastic adventures. Touring up and down the country. Camped out at numerous music festivals. It's been a brilliant vehicle. I think my wife summed it up perfectly as we packed up on a recent trip....
.."I really understand why people become attached to their vehicles. It's the extension on your home that provides the thrill and adventure".... I agree with her 100%.

Best wishes and congratulations on making the decision.
Many thanks LowMan. It's a huge financial decision and so I'm sure many must feel the same way but now really looking forward to getting on the road. T

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We're with GrannyJen....wished we'd bought it sooner. Picked ours up in March and can't stop planning and enjoying life in a van:thumb

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