GAP insurance .....

Redrick Esq.

Redrick Esq.

T6 Ocean 204 4Motion
Decided that GAP insurance would be a decent idea so started to look on line as you do

Any way A company called Direct GAP were highly comended and seemed reasonable

I entered all the vehicle details VW California 30 year DSG etc etc and went for the return to invoice option

Price quoted £209 which in the circumstances seemed reasonable enough so I paid it and received a policy within seconds via E mail.

An hour later i receive a phone call saying that they had not realised the vehicle in question was a camper van and the premium would increase to £380 or i could cancel

Boils my wee wee it does
Not sure whether you have bought your van in the last few days and whether cancelling your current insurance policy is an option, but I am likely to insure my van (collecting in next couple of weeks) with Comfort. They offer new for old during the first 3 years, or 15k miles. So gap effectively built into the policy. I know that isn't what you are asking, but just a suggestion and might help others.
Not sure whether you have bought your van in the last few days and whether cancelling your current insurance policy is an option, but I am likely to insure my van (collecting in next couple of weeks) with Comfort. They offer new for old during the first 3 years, or 15k miles. So gap effectively built into the policy. I know that isn't what you are asking, but just a suggestion and might help others.
3 years now wow, it used to be two years for the first registered owner.
Not sure whether you have bought your van in the last few days and whether cancelling your current insurance policy is an option, but I am likely to insure my van (collecting in next couple of weeks) with Comfort. They offer new for old during the first 3 years, or 15k miles. So gap effectively built into the policy. I know that isn't what you are asking, but just a suggestion and might help others.
I did get a quote from Comfort for the main insurance but it was considerably higher than our current insurer plus the cost of GAP

I will of course revisit them next year at renewal time
We insured with camping & caravanning insurance had the new for old for the first 3 years in 2016. Believe the CMC insurance is the same .
Sure you checked them too.
Its worth checking what the GAP is covering. Most cover the difference between insurance settlement and invoice price of van, not the difference between Insurance payout & the cost of a new van.

If you've bought a cali with 15% discount & the list price goes up 10% a year for 3 years you could be 45% short of having the money for a new van. Wheras the Comfort New for old would have given you a new van.
Actually re-read your original post, you've gone for back to invoice, you are not comparing like for like costs.
Who are you insured with? If Comfort and you bought it new, you get new for old anyway, as suggested above.

If you want GAP insurance, try ALA. Usually some online discount codes knocking around.
Shortly after my OP i e mailed a complaint to the company in question about their tactics

I have just had a phone call from the managing Director no less who, having listened to the recording of the call, was clearly shocked and horrified at the thought of trying to justify to the Ombudsman

He appologised profusely and offerd to do the GAP insurance for £150

I am a man of principle and the money in this case was not the point and I have already GAPed it with Admiral
In fairness he tried very hard and IMO has actually dealt with the complaint as i would have done myself I.E when you shake hands on a deal then that deal is done the end

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