Hi. We’ve had problems with our right hand burner for a while now. It ignites but when you take your finger off the button, it goes out unless you keep the button depressed. We tend to eat a lot of salads, so it hasn’t been an issue.
We recently took the van into our local VW dealer to have some work done and asked them if they could repair the right hand burner. We then got a quote for 750 €, as they said that they’d have to replace the whole burner/sink unit!!! Our van is a 2007 VW California and we decided that we’d just live with one burner.
Anyway, I decided to search the forum today and discovered that quite a few people have had similar problems to us. We thought about replacing(if we could) the thermocouple or the regulator but then I came across your post. My husband couldn’t find his DW40 spray but he found some 3 in 1 oil. He did exactly as you described. He put some oil around the right hand burner button, depressed it several times and hey presto, the burner stays on! We put both rings on too, several times in fact.
Thanks very much for this cheap and easy way of solving our problem!