GC 680 - class 3 on French Peage motorway sections



Grand California 680
Curious if people avoid using the French motorways peage/toll sections in their 3.88t 680’s.
they are class 3 so a lot more €€€ than the class 1 toll fees I’m used to in Hilux.
I know many folk get away with class 2 as still under 3m and the tolls don’t know the van is over 3.5t
i returned my emovis tag, because that was limited to class 1 and 2. But again I know many class 3 motorhome owners get by with it.
the higher costs might tempt me to avoid some sections of peage, adding time to journeys. Sometimes we find it more pleasant avoiding motorways and find nice places stop. But if you are pushing onto Alps or Spain it would be tiresome.
Curious if people avoid using the French motorways peage/toll sections in their 3.88t 680’s.
they are class 3 so a lot more €€€ than the class 1 toll fees I’m used to in Hilux.
I know many folk get away with class 2 as still under 3m and the tolls don’t know the van is over 3.5t
i returned my emovis tag, because that was limited to class 1 and 2. But again I know many class 3 motorhome owners get by with it.
the higher costs might tempt me to avoid some sections of peage, adding time to journeys. Sometimes we find it more pleasant avoiding motorways and find nice places stop. But if you are pushing onto Alps or Spain it would be tiresome.
Hi Andrew, I did Class 2 never any Issue. All of the MH which were obviously Class 3 used Class 2. even the French! Traveled down to Italy on the Fulli Nomade+
We have a 3.88t GC600 with AC so >3M. Tolls only appear to measure the height and are all automated nowadays so make the class 2 or 3 decision and it seems pretty irrelevant what you do regarding taking the ticket from the higher or lower slot. Our last trip saw 50% class 3, 50% class 2. We don’t use the tag as its specifically for class 1 & 2 only so you risk being called out as breaking the rules and I would hazard a guess you will only ever get class 2 charged by the normal automated tolls in a 680 so why risk it?
We’re just back from 2wks in N France and travelled from Calais through Rouen, Caen, Bayeux and down to Mont Saint Michel and back using Peage the entire way. On the whole trip we only once got classed as a Class 3, the rest of the time we were Class 2.

That’s in spite of being in the equivalent of a GC600 (Knaus BD600XL) at c 3.2m high on the 3.88t chassis.
Thanks for the feedback folks, looks like it’s not as bad for wallet as I thought it might be
With our VW GC600 we pay the toll in France in Class 2 category (Intermediate vehicles):
- More than 2.00 m
- Less than or equal to 3.00 m
- Maximum 3.5 T
- Bicycle rack (3 bikes) exceeding 1.00 m
- No trailer
If we try to make you pay Class 3, contest!

France - Catégories péages autoroutier.jpg
With our VW GC600 we pay the toll in France in Class 2 category (Intermediate vehicles):
- More than 2.00 m
- Less than or equal to 3.00 m
- Maximum 3.5 T
- Bicycle rack (3 bikes) exceeding 1.00 m
- No trailer
If we try to make you pay Class 3, contest!

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Your GC600<3.5tnne. but Andrew Cook has a GC680 >3.5tnne so is class 3?
I wonder whether we get away with the Class 2 (on the 600) due to the rear of the roof sloping away and that may be where the laser sits?

On the one occasion we had the Class 3, we pressed the help button and got it reclassified to Class 2.

When I had my previous Concorde Charisma (9m long, 3.2m high and 6.5t), we frequently got hit with Class 4 but often with the help button we got it downgraded to Class 3 and sometimes to Class 2. No guarantees but worth a go.
Your GC600<3.5tnne. but Andrew Cook has a GC680 >3.5tnne so is class 3?
I don’t think they have the weighing capacity so it’s likely that the differential between 3.5t and 3.88t goes unnoticed unless it’s ANPR for French vehicles?

I’m plated at 3.88t with the MAN 4.180 badge on the side which gives away the 4t chassis to those in the know, but otherwise there’s nothing to distinguish IMO.
I don’t think they have the weighing capacity so it’s likely that the differential between 3.5t and 3.88t goes unnoticed unless it’s ANPR for French vehicles?

I’m plated at 3.88t with the MAN 4.180 badge on the side which gives away the 4t chassis to those in the know, but otherwise there’s nothing to distinguish IMO.

I would have thought having these plastered all over it are a bit of a giveaway:

Your GC600<3.5tnne. but Andrew Cook has a GC680 >3.5tnne so is class 3?
Yes, I have understood
However, there is no visible difference between the 3.5T and 3.88T, except if one checks on the registration card, which is rarely the case !!!
However if the vehicle is equipped with an air conditioner on the roof, it has a great chance to pass in class 3 (automatic height control)
I was away for 5 weeks and travelled through france for a good while and the campers and mh that were obviously over 3500kg very few had class 3 mainly class 2 pretty much only A class had a 3 and hardly had Angles Morts, the biggest offenders we the french.
For me it's been Class 2 every time. Very welcome and unexpected saving
Caen to the German border near Saarbrücken was 400 miles and maybe 6 toll booths, all automated.
I have a 680 with aircon on top and angles morts plastered round the back and sides.
Well, just a hour or so on motorways back to calais tomorrow, and all tolls so far have been Class 2 in our 680 and aircon and angles mort stickers too, so good result !
We have crossed France this summer to gemany and back, and payed class 3 with the GC600.
I don't understand why some gc600 pay 2 and others 3...‍♂️
Technically height (>3M) and/or weight (>3500kg) . Assume you have ac or satellite dish as I think only the height is checked although that does seem a variable. Last French trip we did 3 out of 6 tolls had us as a class 3 (we have the ac and also a 3.88t)
An update on France tolls for (in our case) a CG680 with the aircon box on the roof.
Just returned from a trip to Cambrils in Spain, driving through France. 25 tolls including a few in Spain. All tolls in France were priced at Class 2.
Might be tempted to get an Emovis tag next time to prevent wife having to do contortions at each toll booth. The window height of a GC is at an awkward height, too high for the lower toll machine, too low for the higher.
Before I get a load of comments, I know that the GC does not qualify for an Emovis tag, but I think it could be worth the risk.
Makes sense as the booths don’t seem to weight the vehicle but appear to measure the height, a 680 with AC and Sat is still a shade under 3M, unlike a 600. We have a 600 with AC (and 3.88t) and last trip in France got class 3 on 50% of the tolls.
An update on France tolls for (in our case) a CG680 with the aircon box on the roof.
Just returned from a trip to Cambrils in Spain, driving through France. 25 tolls including a few in Spain. All tolls in France were priced at Class 2.
Might be tempted to get an Emovis tag next time to prevent wife having to do contortions at each toll booth. The window height of a GC is at an awkward height, too high for the lower toll machine, too low for the higher.
Before I get a load of comments, I know that the GC does not qualify for an Emovis tag, but I think it could be worth the risk.
Agree re window height. Used the Tulli tag last year as good for france Italy, Spain and Portugal, I think. And used as class 2 all worked really well with no problems. Was apprehensive approaching the first toll on a no barrier drive through at 30kl would it open or not. I have no AC

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