Happy Belgian traveller, Cali Ocean and dachshund



T6 Ocean 150
7 years we drove a VW Caddy (Bretagne, Germany Mosel, Ardennes, Luxemburg, Provence) equiped with a 5l water bottle, foldable table and 2 seats. Now I made my dream come trough, and jumped in the 2018 Ocean. Making live outdoors more comfortable. Warmer nights, softer bed, water included. I look forward to wander and travel with my new friend. Curious about where you guys parked, what you invented and tested to make it even more fun!
Thanks for having me.

Welcome on board Myriam. Happy travels in the California.

The forum members are right now like caged animals just waiting to be freed. Very soon we shall see many travel posts as lockdown is relaxed and travel is again possible.

Enjoy the forum, and would love to hear your travel stories as well.
Welcome Myriam! Many congratulations! there's quite a few of us living in Belgium here! (even if we are not all from here originally....)

Welcome :welcome
We need a photo of your sausage :)
Hi Myriam, welkom or bienvenue...
Enough stuff to read on this site for ages!
CU on the road and enjoy your pride.
Another happy Belgian campervanner
Welcome :welcome
We need a photo of your sausage :)
Done :)
This is welcome news re opening of Belgium. We hope to pass through on our way to Germany.
Are there any restrictions for people from the UK passing through without staying overnight please?

VW California Club
