Have you had an insurance claim on your Cali?



Guest User
Loads of people on here review insurers which I think is pointless unless you have had an actual claim, I just thought it would be interesting to see how insurers have dealt with your claims on your California , especially from the likes of Comfort, Caravan Club, Safeguard etc.. ?
I’ve claimed through Safeguard. They were very helpful and efficient. I did not use their appointed repairer but instead chose a VW approved firm. They were fine with that and the repair was carried out quickly and I was very happy with the quality of repair.

Loads of people on here review insurers which I think is pointless unless you have had an actual claim, I just thought it would be interesting to see how insurers have dealt with your claims on your California , especially from the likes of Comfort, Caravan Club, Safeguard etc.. ?
We had a claim through Comfort, it turned out to be a non fault claim. Process was super easy and Aviva who underwrite my Comfort insurance handled it with no issues whatsoever. Renewal was ok and even got a refund of some renewal premium when the TP admitted liability.
@Annik I am with CMHC Club.
Rear-ended, (Sept16) 3rd Party did not inform insurance company at 1st so I contacted them, looking a bit iffy !! By the time he did my Cali had been seen by my chosen VW body shop going through my CMHC policy. This was 24hours before a holiday, not in the van but a cottage. Claims manager arranged a hire car within that time (could have been a camper but ok with estate car) Van fixed £6k+ By the time my van was being repaired, quite a threatening letter from 3rd party insurance company. Saying they will only pay X amount for body shop per hour (name of their " approved" body shop given) and X per day car both a lot less than my(real) costs. All my costs excess and out of pocket cost claimed back via CMHC. Have renewed with CMHC twice since can find cheaper but not enough to move to another firm.
Loads of people on here review insurers which I think is pointless unless you have had an actual claim, I just thought it would be interesting to see how insurers have dealt with your claims on your California , especially from the likes of Comfort, Caravan Club, Safeguard etc.. ?
Not a California but a brand new caravan insured with Caravan and formerly Caravan Club a write off after being side swopped by a Coach. Replacement new year model on my drive in 5 weeks with a letter of apology that it took so long but they had to wait for one to be built.
They know what the California is and what the lifestyle is. Could get cheaper insurance but I won't be changing.
I had claim with Comfort last year when 3rd party rear ended me. They were brilliant, even offered loan Cali. My issue was with vw who made a hash of initial repair!
I've had two claims with the Camping and Caravanning Club, underwritten by Ageas, within a year.

#1 Swiped by a vehicle nipping down my inside to reach an empty bus lane.

#2 When stationary behind a white van in Poland, the van rolled backwards downhill into me.

#1 Insurance made a complete balls up, initially pursuing the insurers of a vehicle with a different registration plate! Over two years later the case ended up in court which went decisively my way. Four weeks later and I still haven't received my excess, interest or travel costs back. The claim is still not settled!

#2 Despite having a letter dated 5 December 2017 from the Swidnica Police confirming the TP liable for the crash, my insurers have been unable to recover the costs of the damage.

These two unsettled claims within a year, and my only claims after ~35 years of claim free motoring have had an adverse affect on my premium. The Camping and Caravan Club quoted a threefold increase in premium on renewal. Now over two years on from both claims and I'm still waiting for both to be declared settled with TP at fault. I am owed two sets of excess.
Had to claim with Comfort. Couldn't fault them at all. It was done and dealt with within a matter of weeks and they were really helpful and friendly.

Hopefully I pay insurance all my life, and I don't need anything in return for that.

On the other hand, if you pay all your life, you could pay some damage now and then yourself if you didn't pay.
(don't) try to calculate what is cost you if you drive like let's say, 60 years with a car?

60 x 300 = 18 000. How many would have over 18 000 of costs over 60 years of driving?

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