Hello everyone,
First off, I have a hectic mind. I'm dyslectic, apologise for spelling mistakes, bad grammar and 'weird story telling structure'. Normally I don't post on forums in general, but have found the courage to do so and just want to thank everybody who is contributing to this forum. I've found very useful info, watched a lot of pictures - to dream away and get inspiration, checked what could be handy - or what I thought would be handy and learned might not be handy for me, laughed at funny stuff and sometimes got scared while reading members bad experiences, read how some members vw cali is a safe place for their autistic kid,.. Thank you all for sharing your knowledge and experiences.
I'm a 24 years old, self employed, and recently proud owner of a 2014 T5 Cali SE 140 DSG. The VW California has been my dream car since I was 16/17.
It's actually the first 'car' I own.. I've bought it, with my own earned money, second hand with about 45000km.
Pretty weird as a first car.. I know.. I went for the Cali because I'm travelling about 10 months a year, with 6 months outside of Europe, for my job, and at home I actually just continue my job too doing smaller weekends here and there, or catching up with friends and family.
Travelling this much takes it toll on you.. feeling like you're never home and wasting valuable time finding affordable flights, accommodation and rental cars, getting ripped off (not returning deposits, especially when I was 18/19 because ugly people mess with 'spoiled' kids that need to get their flight back home.. sad..), or paying double for underage rental fee, made me wish I had a Cali since a way too long time (couldn't afford one, obviously ha!).
Now on all my EU trips, I'll be able to just drive off, put on some music (pink floyd!!! whenever I start a road trip) and just cruise to my destination. I'll have my home with me for a big part of the year and that feels great, especially after having a huge burn out / dealing with depression.
My job consist of creating creative content, doing competitions, lots training (eat, nap, train once more, will now be possible, which is good, I love what I do) and attending events / trade shows, .. It can be very stressful and my van will be my safe place too.
The accessoires I currently have are the MFT euro select box, I need space for my stuff.. (It's very thin plastic so I'll need to reinforce it.. Will post about that once I've done it.. and figured out a good way to do it as clean as possible, suggestions welcome.) VW tailgate bike rack, some cheap seat 'backpacks' (not sure how it's called, bought on amazon), Wi-Fi antenna to get better signal from the temporary neighbours or mc donalds (don't eat that stuff, toilet and wifi yes!) and some 'packing cubes' that will be handy for storing / compressing clothing.
Roofbars, I still haven't found what I'm searching for.. I want some aerodynamic roofbars that are very low, for occasionally bringing a surfboard with me when visiting France on shorter trips, or perhaps an small roofbox for longer trips? If any suggestions, more than welcome..
I'm currently outside of EU, will be home in March. Before I left I've slept twice in my Cali (in front of my mothers house haha) to 'test' it out. Loved it! Altho I'm having a blast where I am right now, I'm very excited to have my first trip in my Cali
I will try to share my experiences and tips once I get to know my van better. Sorry no pictures.. those are on my phone only atm.. It's a black one.. looks bad ass imo..
Why do people name their California? I like the word 'van' or 'T5' most actually.. Maybe I'll understand once I actually have a real trip.. Well, I just wanted to browse the forum and ended up writing my first post.. Just realised midnight where I am, so.. good night?
Safe travels,
First off, I have a hectic mind. I'm dyslectic, apologise for spelling mistakes, bad grammar and 'weird story telling structure'. Normally I don't post on forums in general, but have found the courage to do so and just want to thank everybody who is contributing to this forum. I've found very useful info, watched a lot of pictures - to dream away and get inspiration, checked what could be handy - or what I thought would be handy and learned might not be handy for me, laughed at funny stuff and sometimes got scared while reading members bad experiences, read how some members vw cali is a safe place for their autistic kid,.. Thank you all for sharing your knowledge and experiences.
I'm a 24 years old, self employed, and recently proud owner of a 2014 T5 Cali SE 140 DSG. The VW California has been my dream car since I was 16/17.
It's actually the first 'car' I own.. I've bought it, with my own earned money, second hand with about 45000km.
Pretty weird as a first car.. I know.. I went for the Cali because I'm travelling about 10 months a year, with 6 months outside of Europe, for my job, and at home I actually just continue my job too doing smaller weekends here and there, or catching up with friends and family.
Travelling this much takes it toll on you.. feeling like you're never home and wasting valuable time finding affordable flights, accommodation and rental cars, getting ripped off (not returning deposits, especially when I was 18/19 because ugly people mess with 'spoiled' kids that need to get their flight back home.. sad..), or paying double for underage rental fee, made me wish I had a Cali since a way too long time (couldn't afford one, obviously ha!).
Now on all my EU trips, I'll be able to just drive off, put on some music (pink floyd!!! whenever I start a road trip) and just cruise to my destination. I'll have my home with me for a big part of the year and that feels great, especially after having a huge burn out / dealing with depression.
My job consist of creating creative content, doing competitions, lots training (eat, nap, train once more, will now be possible, which is good, I love what I do) and attending events / trade shows, .. It can be very stressful and my van will be my safe place too.
The accessoires I currently have are the MFT euro select box, I need space for my stuff.. (It's very thin plastic so I'll need to reinforce it.. Will post about that once I've done it.. and figured out a good way to do it as clean as possible, suggestions welcome.) VW tailgate bike rack, some cheap seat 'backpacks' (not sure how it's called, bought on amazon), Wi-Fi antenna to get better signal from the temporary neighbours or mc donalds (don't eat that stuff, toilet and wifi yes!) and some 'packing cubes' that will be handy for storing / compressing clothing.
Roofbars, I still haven't found what I'm searching for.. I want some aerodynamic roofbars that are very low, for occasionally bringing a surfboard with me when visiting France on shorter trips, or perhaps an small roofbox for longer trips? If any suggestions, more than welcome..
I'm currently outside of EU, will be home in March. Before I left I've slept twice in my Cali (in front of my mothers house haha) to 'test' it out. Loved it! Altho I'm having a blast where I am right now, I'm very excited to have my first trip in my Cali
I will try to share my experiences and tips once I get to know my van better. Sorry no pictures.. those are on my phone only atm.. It's a black one.. looks bad ass imo..
Why do people name their California? I like the word 'van' or 'T5' most actually.. Maybe I'll understand once I actually have a real trip.. Well, I just wanted to browse the forum and ended up writing my first post.. Just realised midnight where I am, so.. good night?
Safe travels,