Holiday Cali Moment



VIP Member
Surrey, UK
So we recently had our first cali holiday 2 weeks En France with 2 children 7 and 5. we intended to do a lot of miles so i stocked up on 'stuff' to keep them amused. one thing i purchased was a kind of 'stress' relief toy (good for flexing bored muscles i thought) it was rubbery, like a thick balloon with a bit of woolly hair and smiley face..happy days! both kids enjoyed squishing and squashing them about over the first couple of days.
Day 3, we are bombing long the motorway when i hear a gasp and and a wail 'sorry mummy'.. I look round and it looks like a flour bomb has been thrown into the rear of the cali and my poor 5 yr old son is sitting there with a limp bit of rubber in his hand and a white face..white powder EVERYWHERE. mananged to pull over at the next layby and literally dont know where to start, was a full on shake everything out job, kids, mats, books/toys aaaargh! it was in the window frame rails, in the groove where the table slides along more aargh! it needed a hoover but of course that was the only thing we didnt have lol
for the remainder of the holiday everytime we pulled the back seat out to make the bed it looked there was a line of coke along the carpet where it had gone down the side of the seat where he was sitting.
looking back its funny but i can tell you it wasnt at the time..I'm not sure we have got all traces gone, even after a thorough post holiday clean, I bet i will still find the damn powder in years to come..

:laugh2 :laugh2 I had the same thing not in the Cali though. I took my eldest daughter and her friend to a country park as part of her birthday treat when she was 11 she bought one of these stress balls from the gift shop on the way home they decided that they would have a tug of war with it You guessed it exploded everywhere I duly overreacted causing them both to cry :laugh2
I sympathise its a real mess

VW California Club
