ISO-top mk III


Nick CB

VIP Member
T5 SE 180
Hi gang,
Sorry if this has been covered before, I've searched the threads.
Has anyone fitted the Brandrup ISO-TOP MK III and if so what hints and tips do you suggest?
The instructions are a little vague probably due to translation. Any help would be much appreciated
Hi Nick,

Fit in two stages...

Stage 1
Clean the areas the velcro will need to stick using the wipes, then all install all of the velcro and leave for at least 48 hours to give the adhesive time to work, slot in the frieze bands at the front (following the distances given and shown in the diagram).

Stage 2
Then install the Isotop starting by attaching the bottom first (velcro to velcro) then you can attach the front (attaching to the velcro that you slot in at the top (frieze bands).

I would add that the Isotop when I tightened it does not provide a perfect seal (i.e. there is a gap on the sides of 10-20mm at the top which I queried with Brandrup though my dealership and was told that was correct).

I used it last week for the first time in really heavy rain and can confirm everything was completely dry.

Hope that helps...
Many thanks Mark, we're going to make a start today, we'll keep you posted.

VW California Club
