Like others who've just posted here, we've just ordered a new California Ocean. We were told to expect it in about March, but now I'm getting nervous as the current lead time seems to be longer. Oh well, there's little I can do (or maybe nothing ...) to influence the situation (oh dear, my control freakery is going into overdrive), so I'll just have to live with it. I'd rather not be paying extra car tax, but I suppose that will be Mr Osborne getting the last laugh after his rather unceremonious departure.
We've sold our caravan to raise the deposit and it went much more quickly than I had expected, so we now have to face a long winter with no camping (I'm too old for tenting in UK autumn/winter/spring these days). I'll just have to get my fix by logging in to this forum from time to time whilst I plan how to keep the UK economy afloat by acquiring endless accessories to make the van even more perfect. Cushions, anyone??!!
We've sold our caravan to raise the deposit and it went much more quickly than I had expected, so we now have to face a long winter with no camping (I'm too old for tenting in UK autumn/winter/spring these days). I'll just have to get my fix by logging in to this forum from time to time whilst I plan how to keep the UK economy afloat by acquiring endless accessories to make the van even more perfect. Cushions, anyone??!!