Kitchen Drawer Kit - will it create better access to storage?



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Lifetime VIP Member
Kilcock, Kildare, Ireland
Dear all,

We went away for a few days last week. In comparison to last summer's holiday, this year the setup and usage of the camper felt a bit more complicated. The main reason was that last year the weather was wonderful and we spend a lot outside. This year it was cold and rainy (one night last weekend I switched on the heat for an hour during the night - in July).

In a different query I mentioned that we plan to get shelves in the wardrobe. We aim to get more easy accessible space here. This finally brings me to the Kitchen Drawer Kit.

At the moment we have the cutlery in original drawer (I guess as most of us) and have 4x boxes in the shelves below. What frustrates at the moment is that if things are needed which is stored in the right box, the left box has to be taken out first, than the right one which holds the item. And of course everything has to be put back - argh!

I thought that we take the shelve out and replace it with drawers as in the kit mentioned above. In the drawers need to be space for cups and glasses, plates boxes with tea, coffee, sugar etc.

Before I go ahead to order the drawer kit, I would like to ask for help to hear from your experience (and maybe pictures) and what you store in the drawers. I did a search but I couldn't find the information I was looking for.

Thank you for your help.

I put the drawers in about 2 years ago. You will lose space BUT you will be much better organised. We have glasses, cups, all the crockery for 4 people, stack-able cooking utensils and more in the 3 additional drawers.

Before, all this stuff was in various containers and drove me crazy finding anything. There is c a l m in the van now :)
As above, made a great diffrence. And you can space the drawers to give extra height to one so we can fit kettle, tea pot, cups and tea coffee stuff all in one drawer. Below we have side plates, ridgemonkey and cooking utensils, herbs, oils. We put stuff into small bottles to avoid the bigger ones from the shops so they fit better. You do lose a bit of space but the rewards outweigh the losses.

VW California Club
