Known Cali issues.

Paul Onions

Paul Onions

T5 SE 180
Hi All,

I have owned my 2012 Cali SE for 3 weeks now and love it. Sadly though it has been back with the garage more than with me .

I know about the paint bubbling, gas tap connector (not being present) and the airbag light issues now as I have / have had both of those problems already. Are there others I should be aware of please? It has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster so far...

Thanks in advance and optimistic the issues are nearly over...

There are issues that you need to bear in mind buying/owning a Cali.
Think the most are well written cervral times on the forum and you have mentiont some.
Some have no issues at all on thier Cali ,
Some have minor issues,
Others think they have issues,
There are owners pretending having issues:D

Try to enjoy your Cali , and on rainy days read the forum inside-out and learn things.
As said above most things are explained on here and even most have a soulution ready....some have...
Hi All,

I have owned my 2012 Cali SE for 3 weeks now and love it. Sadly though it has been back with the garage more than with me .

I know about the paint bubbling, gas tap connector (not being present) and the airbag light issues now as I have / have had both of those problems already. Are there others I should be aware of please? It has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster so far...

Thanks in advance and optimistic the issues are nearly over...

I'm in a similar position, had my 2013 SE a couple of months..... Steering Rack and Side Window (drain pipe leaking inside van) both replaced. Powered Sliding Door over sensitive , needed adjusting. Next visit to dealer scheduled to have tow bar wiring fixed (luckily VW fitted so should be a warranty job), sun visor repaired (dodgy light switch) and a rattling fridge.
As mine is low mileage and doesn't look like it's been had much use as a camper I can only hope that these a issues that would have been picked up by the first owner had they been using it as such. Glad I still have VW warranty until the end of the year.
Paul we own a 2012 180 since 2012 and remain happy after 55k and a daily drive.
  • check the rear break light ours popped off - replaced no further issue
  • after about 18 months the the Moo valve (think it is a N72 valve) started making a Mooing noise.
  • front roof corosion (awaiting fix)
  • air bag warning light x2
on the second air bag reset the replaced a sensor in the pasanger seat and OK ever since.
The Moo valve bit more tricky picked it up as an issue via forum, after 2012 a modified part avalible. An hours drive to SMG mooing on and off all the way. Only to be told computer says "no" issue and tec cant hear anything. Mooing all the way home !!!!!!!!!!!!! issue not solved. Drving me mad and pasangers saying why does your van make that noice.
Took into local VW Breeze Southampton took one look at it and said you need the modified valve and replaced it fine ever since.
I had a leaking joint on the power steering rad on my 06 transporter. Noticed as I could hear a groaning noise when on full lock. No signs of oil on the drive as it sits high up above the engine water rad and all oil had collected on the various bits below. New rad cost and fit was about £120. Worth listening out for and checking the oil level for the power steering regularly?!
Hope you get all you teething problems sorted and start enjoying it!
Paul we own a 2012 180 since 2012 and remain happy after 55k and a daily drive.
  • check the rear break light ours popped off - replaced no further issue
  • after about 18 months the the Moo valve (think it is a N72 valve) started making a Mooing noise.
  • front roof corosion (awaiting fix)
  • air bag warning light x2
on the second air bag reset the replaced a sensor in the pasanger seat and OK ever since.
The Moo valve bit more tricky picked it up as an issue via forum, after 2012 a modified part avalible. An hours drive to SMG mooing on and off all the way. Only to be told computer says "no" issue and tec cant hear anything. Mooing all the way home !!!!!!!!!!!!! issue not solved. Drving me mad and pasangers saying why does your van make that noice.
Took into local VW Breeze Southampton took one look at it and said you need the modified valve and replaced it fine ever since.
SMG Tonbridge or SMG Cowfold?
Hello Paul,
Just noticed your thread and I couldn't help thinking, this chap is going to read about all the issues different people have had and start worrying about his Cali, (as I did before buying mine), possibly to the extent that he might not enjoy using it as much and may start to regret his purchase. Well don't!

They are complex vehicles. There are various well documented problems that can occur. We are all likely to experience a problem from time to time but equally, are most unlikely to experience them all. Just like any other vehicle, deal with the issues as they occur and don't worry about what might go wrong. They are great vehicles and the important thing to remember is why you bought it in the first place.

Congratulations on your purchase. Enjoy your adventures.
Hello Paul,
Just noticed your thread and I couldn't help thinking, this chap is going to read about all the issues different people have had and start worrying about his Cali, (as I did before buying mine), possibly to the extent that he might not enjoy using it as much and may start to regret his purchase. Well don't!

They are complex vehicles. There are various well documented problems that can occur. We are all likely to experience a problem from time to time but equally, are most unlikely to experience them all. Just like any other vehicle, deal with the issues as they occur and don't worry about what might go wrong. They are great vehicles and the important thing to remember is why you bought it in the first place.

Congratulations on your purchase. Enjoy your adventures.
Also very few people post on Forums to say that they have No Problems! Just enjoy.
Hello Paul,
Just noticed your thread and I couldn't help thinking, this chap is going to read about all the issues different people have had and start worrying about his Cali, (as I did before buying mine), possibly to the extent that he might not enjoy using it as much and may start to regret his purchase. Well don't!

They are complex vehicles. There are various well documented problems that can occur. We are all likely to experience a problem from time to time but equally, are most unlikely to experience them all. Just like any other vehicle, deal with the issues as they occur and don't worry about what might go wrong. They are great vehicles and the important thing to remember is why you bought it in the first place.

Congratulations on your purchase. Enjoy your adventures.
Hi Borris, I really like that sort of thread where you can come to check what potential faults you could get. How they manifest, sound, look like, cost to repair etc. I wouldn't let threads like that put me off buying or whittle about them either. But I suppose we are all different and that's what makes a good forum.
Hi Borris, I really like that sort of thread where you can come to check what potential faults you could get. How they manifest, sound, look like, cost to repair etc. I wouldn't let threads like that put me off buying or whittle about them either. But I suppose we are all different and that's what makes a good forum.
A tick list of what could be on the horizon is useful ... If it wasn't for the extensive research I'd carried out thanks to this forum I would have gone into Cali ownership blind. As it is I'm ready for anything ! Also, for those sharing their problems, the knowledge that others have had to deal with similar can be quite therapeutic. How did we manage before the inter web?
A tick list of what could be on the horizon is useful ... If it wasn't for the extensive research I'd carried out thanks to this forum I would have gone into Cali ownership blind. As it is I'm ready for anything ! Also, for those sharing their problems, the knowledge that others have had to deal with similar can be quite therapeutic. How did we manage before the inter web?
It is better knowing what 'could' be around the corner imo. If something does happen (fingers crossed for all it doesn't) and you have some info on it, you could stop a little fault before it escalates into something worse.
Maybe it is the job I do/have done in the past but I like to know about any potential faults that could bite my bottom. I know when I do my weekly handover to another engineer and I highlight a new fault that has occurred and they say 'oh yes we had that last time we were on' I go mad and ask why a report wasn't written highlighting the fault, impact and plan to rectify.
Before the tinternet we probably had our leg lifted even higher by those teeth drying mechanics at some garages. Thank goodness for forums and all their participants. :thumb
Hi All,

I have owned my 2012 Cali SE for 3 weeks now and love it. Sadly though it has been back with the garage more than with me .

I know about the paint bubbling, gas tap connector (not being present) and the airbag light issues now as I have / have had both of those problems already. Are there others I should be aware of please? It has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster so far...

Thanks in advance and optimistic the issues are nearly over...

Hi Paul, I hope that's the end of your issues but as for anything else I don't think it's worth worrying until they happen! Enjoy your California :thumb
Hello Yorkdubshire and ArunAlec,
I totally agree with you both. Researching all of the various faults that can occur on your potential new and expensive purchase is very important. I myself spent months reading about roof problems, EGR valves, steering issues etc etc and eventually bought our Cali in the full knowledge that at some stage, I may have to deal with some of these issues. The forum has been of immense help in preparing me for Cali ownership as I am sure it has to others. Threads like this are very helpful. Therfore I hope that I didn't give the impression that Paul should take a blinkered aproach and not look any further into the Cali's known faults.

I must confess to getting a little despondent at times when researching all of the issues that can occur and did, on occasions, ask myself whether I was doing the right thing. I therefore felt that giving Paul a little perspective to help him on his "emotional roller coaster" would be useful here. As WelshGas has said "very few people post on Forums to say that they have had No Problems".
Don't worry Borris I took your comment in the spirit I am sure it was intended and am sure once we got over the initial niggles and get out having family adventures in the sunshine we will be in bliss. Thanks all for your insight, info, support and knowledge. I am now (after having a few problems and having spent considerably more on a vehicle than ever before) just keen to be aware of things that might crop up. I have no regrets though and still smile every time I catch sight of the van on the drive. This forum and the friendly helpful people on it is just brilliant.
Hi Borris, no it didn't come across that you were suggesting Paul shouldn't investigate further, just for people who have had faults not to bombard a new owner with things that at best are very unlikely to happen (as was in my case). I can completely understand where you and welshgas are coming from as this thread was likely to get a bit gloomy but I was just putting my view across that some people like to know things that can go wrong (the more bizarre the better in my case).
I do hope that everyone has years of stress free motoring to come! :thumb
Crucially, while the forum posts do include many an issue, they generally also provide solutions, which is great! If the problems weren't listed, the solutions wouldn't be either.

Like was said above, it means you have your eyes open, as opposed to having your enthusiasm dashed. Also, again mentioned above, people don't tend to post when all is good so it's likely that for very issue you read about, there's probably a thousand cases where everything is perfect.

Actually, a forum full of people starting threads about how nothing is broken would be a little dull:
'Turned key today and engine started flawlessly. How was your day?'
Or, how about
'Opened roof and, some time later, closed it. It didn't rain today either.'

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