Leisure Battery Issue



Great Yarmouth
Hi all, for some time now ive been experiencing difficulties with my cali,s leisure battery system. So to overcome a long ongoing saga had them replaced with new items. But what I am experiencing is, fully charged batteries within 24 hrs and the vehicles all off and at stand still the next day the battery level on the console is showing 0% and no pwoer to run the heating system. Fully charged them for 48 hours with 100% showing on the battery panel then next day back down to zero percent. Any idea anyone why this rapid apparent discharge is happening? Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks, Daz.
Never heard of that before... sounds like you're really unlucky and had rubbish batteries and... rubbish replacements or there is a short somewhere.

Are you sure that everything turned off? Does the display show that the batteries are being drained (when it is on?)

I purchased a BST-100 Battery Tester from www.mrcartool.com. which was cheap and works really well to test the batteries. I'd check them out before doing owt else.

I had problems with mine - and it worked out to be only the rear battery that was a problem.

When the batteries were replaced did the inline fuse on the rear battery get checked?
Yeah one bad battery can pull the other down. What year's the van Daz? Have you tried swapping the earth shunt? I had similar problems. Does the aux heater fire up when the engine is running?
Sounds suspiciously like an earth fault somewhere. Something is draining the batteries. It could also be user error. You'll need to check a few things. Get your tools out and check the connections to the batteries are tight firstly then get the voltmeter out and check the charging input for starters. Next check the load with everything turned off to see if something is pulling them down.
Daz you also do not say how old your van (battery's) are
The van is just over 3 years old and had the original factory fitted batteries on. The problem existed with those. So a week or so ago had brand new decent quality ones put on and same problem. Dont think it could be the fuse but may be something else draining them. Following 48 hr charge charge the control panel is saying 100% and then can run the heater but switch off straight away as just testing. Checked today 24 hrs later and the control panel is showing 0 on the batteries. Might be a good job for a vehicle tech to check?
Pull all of the fuses that feed leisure loads. Charge the batteries and see if they hold their charge. If yes then start replacing fuses till they start to discharge.

Alternatively, pay someone. Your choice.
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Don't go on the percentage display on the panel.

Change it over to the battery display and see what the current draw is. If everything is off (heater, fridge and nothing in the 12v sockets, including the inverter one on the B pillar), then there should be no current being drawn by the battery system.

If the batteries are still going flat, then there must be a fault around somewhere. You will need a decent auto electrician to test it all out.
The dealers won't know about this bit of the Cali, and will call one in anyway. Find your own and save some money.

pull all of the fuses that feed leisure loads. Charge the batteries and see if they hold their charge. If yes then start replacing fuses till they start to discharge.

Alternatively, pay someone. Your choice.

Or, just disconnect the batteries and then check with voltmeter as sidepod said
pull all of the fuses that feed leisure loads. Charge the batteries and see if they hold their charge. If yes then start replacing fuses till they start to discharge.

Alternatively, pay someone. Your choice.
Bit harsh Sidepod, you can't expect him to dive out last thing at night and start pulling fuses everywhere. Not everybody is competent with voltmeters and vehicle electrics.
Hi all, for some time now ive been experiencing difficulties with my cali,s leisure battery system. So to overcome a long ongoing saga had them replaced with new items. But what I am experiencing is, fully charged batteries within 24 hrs and the vehicles all off and at stand still the next day the battery level on the console is showing 0% and no pwoer to run the heating system. Fully charged them for 48 hours with 100% showing on the battery panel then next day back down to zero percent. Any idea anyone why this rapid apparent discharge is happening? Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks, Daz.

I am having very similar problems. I have never had the leisure battery go below 70% and all of a sudden it has gone to 40%. Nothing is running or on. I've just completed a long journey.
I am not sure what to do. Any suggestions would be gratefully received!
Which vehicle, how many leisure batteries and how old are they?
I have a 2012 California, factory fitted leisure.

Think WG would like to know if it is a SE or a Beach....;)
Please fill this in under your avatar so people can answer Q's in funtion of you verhicle type.
I have a 2012 California, factory fitted leisure.
If you have had it from new, then I presume you have charged it from mains on a monthly basis to keep it in good condition, so if it has suddenly failed I would look at the charging system from Alternator and Mains charger. Start by checking what voltage is displayed on the control panel. Should be about 14.4 v with engine running and same with engine Off and on Mains + The Mains Plug symbol.
If it is 2nd Hand and low milage then there is a good possibility the battery has not been well treated and it could be on the way out.
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