Leisure battery problems??



South west, UK
T5 SE 180
I know the subject has been covered at length but I wanted to know others thoughts.
I recently noticed that the fridge seems to switch itself off. This is even on hookup. I think I read somewhere that if the leisure batteries are not good the fridge can still do this even on hookup. I tried it out this morning and put the heater and fridge on together. Fridge kept switching off☹️
The van is about 7 years old and I don’t think the leisure batteries have been replaced so they are well over due. I’m away for a month in August and I don’t want to get stuck!! I assume the leisure batteries drive the roof motor? Any advice greatly received including recommendations for replacement ( not paying VW £500 for batteries)
My local Vw commercial place charged me about £90 for a new main battery. Don't see why a leisure one should be any more.
Main battery will be agm if stop start fitted ok as leisure. If you have not got stop start fitted as main battery it’s not agm and no good for leisure if you can get agm for £90 it’s a bargain as £200 usual cost
As above - fridge failing on hook up points to something more maybe...

Get a multimeter on the battery after a full proper mains charge and test if over a few days.

What has the CP been indicating voltage wise over a period?
Thanks for the responses

I’m going to run the fridge tonight and see what percentage battery is left in the morning and if it stays on! CP is showing 12.6v drawing 3amps with the fridge on. No amps drawn with nothing running so I don’t think it’s an earth shunt issue. I will then run the fridge on hookup and see how that goes! I’m sure I read that the fridge runs off the battery? That I assume is theme kept topped up by the mains?? Anyway if anyone has a definitive answer to that one I would be pleased to hear. I will have a look at the Halfords option and I am also considering an Exide
Half the price of VW!
12.6 with fridge drawing is fine. When last charged? How does voltage hold up after a few days with vehicle unused?
Right have left the fridge on max for nearly 24hrs. It stayed on which is good however the battery is down to 50%and only showing 12v. I think the batteries are knackered. Anyone have a view on this? Is running the fridge on max a step too far?
Is that voltage reading with fridge off and a short while later?
No fridge was still on this was what was on the display. I was in a bit of a rush so I took the reading and then turned on the hookup to recharge the batteries. My gut feeling is the batteries are still working but a bit tired. In answer to your first point the start point was fully charged
Sounds pretty typical and normal for a van with a few years under its belt - batteries not knackered but getting older and in need of some help - if fridge is drawing current then voltage will drop but this will recover somewhat after it has been off so check voltage a few hours later after fridge (and other loads) turned fully off. If it was really on max (freezing) then an older van might be depleted after one of two days.

Food for thought in topic below, some support, some disparaging but I'd just bung £300 of solar on the van and lose all worries:


And read Roger's post here:

Thanks for the advice all it has given me some perspective. I think I’m going to just replace the batteries with the Exide ones. £256 delivered so half what VW charge and hopefully of reasonable quality.

VW California Club
