Lockdown and annual subscriptions



Guest User
So far I'm out of pocket on National Trust, Caravan and Motorhome Club and ACSI. Also no news on my gym membership either.
Gym suspended direct debits in March (DW).
I don’t consider myself “out of pocket” as I have had use of the memberships I have before the lockdown and again hopefully when its lifted.
English Heritage has promised to extend the subscription year when lockdown finishes.

I think the Caravan club is offering 20% discounts but not sure, not checked recently.

My Gym subs are suspended.

Confrerie du Sabre D'or has suspended my subs even though I'm still drinking lots of champers! :shocked

If the NT offered to refund my subs then I would give it back as a donation but then they are just so dear to my heart.
English Heritage has promised to extend the subscription year when lockdown finishes.

I think the Caravan club is offering 20% discounts but not sure, not checked recently.

My Gym subs are suspended.

Confrerie du Sabre D'or has suspended my subs even though I'm still drinking lots of champers! :shocked

If the NT offered to refund my subs then I would give it back as a donation but then they are just so dear to my heart.
NT have offered me the option of a 25% reduction of my next subscription or pay the full price if I can afford to do so.
Camping & caravan club extended membership while sites are closed.
NT have offered me the option of a 25% reduction of my next subscription or pay the full price if I can afford to do so.
Our renewal due July, we will be happy to pay full price, we. think NT membership is excellent value for money.
I was paying 2k +VAT a month for an office I couldn't use. Plus I had to pay £1600+ VAT restoration fee to leave.

I'm now starting to pay a more reasonable £494+VAT a month for an office I cant use. Just changing the address on my titleblocks
This forum is proving excellent value with all the political debate ;)
Depends how much you value the organisation being there after things start to open plus if you can afford.
Our local climbing wall ( nearest one for 25miles) was started partly with crowd funding so no problem with supporting them will we can afford too. The Caravan club I am not sure its alway worth it, do the 20% off only applied to Caravan club owned sites, if I read it right.
Interesting, did you have the info via the news letter ?
I’ve not heard anything from them, but their website does say they are extending membership periods by the time that sites are closed. As below.......

Will my membership be extended?

Yes. The Camping and Caravanning Club is determined to offer you full value for your membership, throughout our closure period and beyond. This year, we’re extending your membership period for as long as our sites are closed, to ensure you receive your full 12 months of membership no matter what happens. Our renewals carry on as normal and your extension will be added on to the end of your membership term, when we know how long our sites have been closed for.
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Good news from the Channel Tunnel.

Dear Mr Cock a doodle do

We know that this is a very unsettling time for everyone. As the lockdown continues, and Government restrictions stay in place, we have listened to your requests, and made the decision to extend the validity of all of our Frequent Travellers’ tickets by 12 months.

Hopefully this will help you dream of ventures back across the channel in the future. We certainly look forward to welcoming you much sooner than 12 months away, but decided it was simplest just to ensure you have plenty of time to make plans.

There’s no need to contact us, you should just see it change in your account at some point in the next few weeks.

Thanks for your continued support,

Customer Relations
Eurotunnel Le Shuttle
English Heritage has promised to extend the subscription year when lockdown finishes.

I think the Caravan club is offering 20% discounts but not sure, not checked recently.

My Gym subs are suspended.

Confrerie du Sabre D'or has suspended my subs even though I'm still drinking lots of champers! :shocked

If the NT offered to refund my subs then I would give it back as a donation but then they are just so dear to my heart.

The big heritage charities are being absolutely gutted by the crisis, as they normal receive the biggest chunk of their income at this time of year.

National Trust (for England & Wales) has furloughed 80% of its staff but is still predicting a £200m loss this year. National Trust for Scotland has announced that its reserves are now wiped out and it's put 429 staff on notice of redundancy.

If we want these organisations to be there for us in the future we need to keep supporting them now if we can afford to do so.
The big heritage charities are being absolutely gutted by the crisis, as they normal receive the biggest chunk of their income at this time of year.

National Trust (for England & Wales) has furloughed 80% of its staff but is still predicting a £200m loss this year. National Trust for Scotland has announced that its reserves are now wiped out and it's put 429 staff on notice of redundancy.

If we want these organisations to be there for us in the future we need to keep supporting them now if we can afford to do so.

I am chairperson of a grant making trust and the letters I am receiving now are heartbreaking.

We support small community charities and just last week we sent an emergency donation of £10k to a foundation near Crawley that would otherwise have had to close it's mental health unit that cares for troubled adolescents.

The charity I run for, Phab (phabkids) lost it's major source of income with the deferral of the London Marathon, virtually 8 months expenditure that would have been covered.

The NT, which I will support to my dying days and after in terms of legacy, will survive but so many small community charities will disappear and with it a substantial contribution of what is the real care in the community.
Campingandcaravanningclub.co.uk , just read it.
Found out my saved version outdated, whoops ! thanks all

VW California Club
