Minor rear bumper damage - van a few weeks old



VIP Member
T6.1 Ocean 204
Hi all

I was cleaning my new van for the first time at the weekend and noticed that there was a curved scrape in the passenger side of the rear bumper (about the size of a 5p coin). The damage is deep enough to that it's easy to feel in the plastic and is visible.

We have only used the van a few times and have not knocked the paintwork anywhere. Clearly this damage could have happened at any time but it may have been there from new. Anyone think the dealer might take pity and get it fixed or am I wasting my time?
Hi all

I was cleaning my new van for the first time at the weekend and noticed that there was a curved scrape in the passenger side of the rear bumper (about the size of a 5p coin). The damage is deep enough to that it's easy to feel in the plastic and is visible.

We have only used the van a few times and have not knocked the paintwork anywhere. Clearly this damage could have happened at any time but it may have been there from new. Anyone think the dealer might take pity and get it fixed or am I wasting my time?
Wishful thinking would be my guess, but you will never know unless you ask.
Would be a first for any Dealer to repair any third party damage for free especially in these times.
Hi all

I was cleaning my new van for the first time at the weekend and noticed that there was a curved scrape in the passenger side of the rear bumper (about the size of a 5p coin). The damage is deep enough to that it's easy to feel in the plastic and is visible.

We have only used the van a few times and have not knocked the paintwork anywhere. Clearly this damage could have happened at any time but it may have been there from new. Anyone think the dealer might take pity and get it fixed or am I wasting my time?
I doubt it very much.

I had a small scratch on the paintwork and drivers side rear light cluster which I spotted after collecting (07/09) and stopping to get fuel around the corner. Couldn't contact the dealer by phone so emailed a load of photo's. After much chasing, they offered to repair but, as they are 3 hours drive away, I've had an email today saying they will cover a "reasonable estimate" for repair locally to me.

It's taken just over a month so far.
Should be possible to pop out the crease quite easily with a little heat and some massaging from the back. A competent PDR company can do it if you want someone to take on the project if not something you want to do. Take care of it sooner than later to reduce risk of memory.
Should be possible to pop out the crease quite easily with a little heat and some massaging from the back. A competent PDR company can do it if you want someone to take on the project if not something you want to do. Take care of it sooner than later to reduce risk of memory.
It's not actually creased - the plastic is scraped away quite deeply - as though it had been scratched by a tool of some kind.
Maybe done when parked, something like a shopping trolley impact?
That’s possible yes. We’ve not really used it much in public car parks or shopping areas, but given that we didn’t do it, it’s either that or it arrived that way.
You can't fix every imperfection you will inevitably accumulate over the many years of ownership. There's no point. I lost it when I had a big long scratch from bushes after a few weeks. Now, so what? I could get it fixed and meet bushes on the way home. Same with children! In A&E in the first few weeks, then when older, oh it'll be alright .
My advice would be to cover the damage with water proof tape until you get it repaired
I had someone reverse into my van parked in a builders yard. The impact smashed the rear light which he agreed to pay for although he did grumble at the cost of £185!
But I did not notice that the rear bumper got damaged, a split slowly revealed itself about 2” long. The point is that because I left it, water got in and it started to delaminate the plastic. The dent man did it in the end but it was fiddly and took two attempts
The first one is always the worst but it gets easier ;)
My van was a few weeks old when someone reversed into the back of it in July. Luckily I was sitting in the back so they couldn't just drive off... there's a huge dent in the tailgate, and it's been kind of squashed, so the entire door needs replacing. Repairing dealer says it could be months before the new tailgate arrives.
On the upside, it opens/closes fine. Otherwise would've scuppered summer plans. And I can't see it most of the time!
Downside is I look like a k**b in a new van who can't drive it!
Hi all

I was cleaning my new van for the first time at the weekend and noticed that there was a curved scrape in the passenger side of the rear bumper (about the size of a 5p coin). The damage is deep enough to that it's easy to feel in the plastic and is visible.

We have only used the van a few times and have not knocked the paintwork anywhere. Clearly this damage could have happened at any time but it may have been there from new. Anyone think the dealer might take pity and get it fixed or am I wasting my time?
No chance! Good news we had a smart repair on our back bumper lower edge after I scraped it on a rock reversing off a road, about £170 and you’d never know, they did an awesome job. If you’re in the Northwest I can ping you details

VW California Club
