A warm welcome wishing you happy safe travelsHi all !
I live in France and I am very happy to travel in a beautiful California Ocean 4motion since 2018, with my wife and our 4-years old son.
I wish you a nice weekend, and lots of great travels!
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Not a poor attempt at humour, just a cock up I'm afraid.Bonjour Yannick, you'll learn to know @Borris humour ;-).
Mais donc moi aussi je suis très heureux de vous trouver ici! And if you sometimes might find it too crowded, go to the french subforum. Even more solitude than on your pict there ;-)
Vous êtes d'où en France? Côté Atlantique, Canal, vu la couleur de l'eau? Ready for the imminent Invasion then?So Belgium has opened its door to France, but apparently it's like in coupled hotel rooms, with double doors. Ah, also still one tip: don't mention the EU here! L' horreur
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