New Roof Wrap

Are these much thinner than the equivalent Rainbow ones? (which are thick, like the insulated screen covers the club sells).

Obviously +/- s to both types if that's the case.
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Are these much thinner than the equivalent Rainbow ones? (which are thick, like the insulated screen covers the club sells).

Obviously +/- s to both types of that's the case.
These are quite thick and insulated, I can’t comment on the Rainbow ones as I have no experience with them.
I like the look of it- does it stay on all the time?
Just looked at the link- I can see it needs to come off. Noticed your window shape is different to the one on the shop.
No side windows? Tha would be a no for me as I only have the side windows.
My full top cover is also easy to fit, with windows on the side.

VW California Club
