Ocean bench seatbelt twisted?



T6 Ocean 150
Just noticed today that the driver's side seatbelt on the bench seat of our T6 Ocean seems twisted.

The one behind the passenger seat sits flat to the seat back when retracted. The other one pulls smoothly in and out of the reel, but the buckle is back to front compared to the other one. This results in a twist in the seatbelt when used.

I assume this is not normal? The van is going in for some other warranty work to the seat next week, so I plan to get the dealer to investigate.....
I'm assuming it's the buckle that's the issue - You should be able to put a half twist in the belt, next to the buckle, then move the buckle 'through' the twist - a bit tight but easy fix.
I had this on our last California
The belt had the twist in so there was no way to rectify it one sat flat the other didn’t so annoying
I have it on mine..
But it wasn’t there a few months ago.
If the belt can twist itself, there should be a way to un-twist it ?
Have a look at the anchor point at the side and ensure the belt is passing through and up to the top of seat flat.
Gently pull all the belt out of the retractor behind the seat - you should see the twist coming out if it has...
It’s possible to untwist...seems impossible at first but it can be done. Twist the seatbelt just before the buckle and give it a gentle wiggle thru the clip.
I did mine the other day - there was a twist in the belt behind the bench. To rectify it I had to put a twist in the belt in front and feed it through the slot at the top of the bench. Took a few goes but eventually it went in and all cancelled each other out.

VW California Club
