oil light



Guest User
Driving along in traffic 40 mph ish alarm sounds engine oil light flashing red warning says STOP OIL PRESSURE checks oil level OK it is a 2006 TDI 52K on the clock engine sounds ok no rattles or bangs?
Oil Pressure. The engine will sound OK - At First then bang.

The cause could be the failure of the Oil Pump which could cause big problems if not fixed, BUT it could be a sensor that has failed and triggered the alarm. You should get it checked out ASAP.
Oil Pressure. The engine will sound OK - At First then bang.

The cause could be the failure of the Oil Pump which could cause big problems if not fixed, BUT it could be a sensor that has failed and triggered the alarm. You should get it checked out ASAP.
Had vehicle checked out by my local man he changed oil and new filter all seems OK SO FAR
Was it originally a VW filter or 3rd party? That could have been a possible cause.
I remember in the past on a vehicle I owned if the filter blocked a bypass opened to allow the oil to circulate, but this dropped the pressure which triggered the Oil Pressure Warning. Change the filter and alarm switched off.
Was it originally a VW filter or 3rd party? That could have been a possible cause.
I remember in the past on a vehicle I owned if the filter blocked a bypass opened to allow the oil to circulate, but this dropped the pressure which triggered the Oil Pressure Warning. Change the filter and alarm switched off.
the filter was fitted last October by my local guy and not a VW part so you may be right thanks for that information

VW California Club
