On Board Storage Solutions etc



VIP Member
West Sussex
Original post henchard

Hope this is in the correct category, please move if appropriate.

As newbies to the California we've been sussing out the on board storage solutions. I thought it might be useful if people could give details of any things that fit well or are useful for storage. As well as the usual plastic storage boxes (The big ones from Wilkinsons fit well under the back part of the bed) we found the following fit well.

The Rationelle bin from Ikea (sold in 3's) fits well in the space behind the passenger seat


and will also fit in the passenger footwell. It can then be lifted out when you arrive. We are going to slip a bit of foam pipe lagging on one side on the top so that it wedges against the door when shut (if you see what i mean)


The best thing we've found though is the Ikea Boholmen washing up bowl that is flexible and fits neatly on the shelves under the sink. If it was a tad deeper (Front to back) it would be a perfect fit. But as it is one contains two cooking pans, a colander and various other cooking utensils. Being flexible it helps stop rattles. It can also double up as a camp site washing up bowl (being much bigger than the VW bowl).


Bargain of the year is Tescos small camping kettle, big enough for two people and only £2.50 and a great pourer (no drips etc).

Anyone else got other solutions?
Original post Martin

Thank you John, Really useful post and my next visit to Ikea I will be purchasing some of those as that area behind the passenger seat is really wasted. Also the colour is a perfect match.
Original post Calikev

Great post guys keep it up
By the way I use 2 of those collapsible crates in the back 1 has my windbreak,mallet,
Spare gas cylinder,and flip flops the other is flat most of the time but is used for dirty laundry when its needed.
Original post Keithwhitmore

bought three boot boxes from Sainsbury's earlier this year to store clothes in the wardrobe; three stack quite nicely. One for each grown-up, the bosy share one. Any extras go in a bag in the boot.
Original post wingate

We have a collapsable/folding red plastic basket from Wilkinsons. Great for shoes and boot storage as well as taking washing to the laundry/washing area.
Original post californiaman

We got a couple of under bed storage boxes from poundland. They're about 12" wide and 6" high but they are quite long and fit into the space in the boot lengthways really well. We stack two of them and store food. We only need one most of the time so we'll probably be retiring one unless we do a long trip.

VW California Club
