Our First California



West Sussex
Hi, new to the forum and new to californias. Really enjoying our VW, there certainly is a lot to learn. We waited for T6 and plan to do some European touring this Spring. I am delighted that it is such a good drive. Look forward to getting lots of tips from the forum.
belinda and derek, West sussex
Hi and welcome....
Coming up to 3 years ownership and still learning from members on this great forum
No regrets :bananadance:bananadance:bananadance
Welcome. Pictures Please.
Hello, I'm a recent arrival as well, with a T6 Beach on order. West Sussex is a great place to have a Cali!
Welcome to you both and congratulations on your new vans :thumb
Well Belinda and Derek .... :D

Congratulations. Head for the sun and head for the fun. Yes, a lovely vehicle to drive, long journeys through France a speciality, it just eats miles and miles silently, smoothly and totally relaxed.

Welcome to the forum as well. Please share your adventures with us, lots of pics, good things, bad things and if you need any help then you will find this place to be full of friendly good advice.

What colour is it? As we are neighbours I would want to make sure that I give you the statutory jaunty wave should we pass :happy

You can pop all those details into your profile so it shows up on the forum poster ID.
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Welcome, enjoy!
Well Belinda and Derek .... :D

Congratulations. Head for the sun and head for the fun. Yes, a lovely vehicle to drive, long journeys through France a speciality, it just eats miles and miles silently, smoothly and totally relaxed.

Welcome to the forum as well. Please share your adventures with us, lots of pics, good things, bad things and if you need any help then you will find this place to be full of friendly good advice.
We opted for the 'Blackberry' colour, Chris Figg really rated it. I think I like it.
we are having problem getting App connect to connect, god only knows why, Figg certainly doesn't. We are planning our first UK trip in a couple of weeks and then 2 months in Europe from start of April,
Arn't california's a dream to drive, park and come to that keep your beers cool.
Chris Figg really rated it.
It is you that must like the colour

Welcome to the forum best wishes with your order you will love it and the life style
Welcome, Belinda and Derek! As Meoncoast said, the only person whose opinion matters is yours! I strongly considered Black Berry too. Very 'Marmite' but also growing in general popularity I think. We're both waiting for T6s and I hope you are not finding it any easier than I am ;)
We opted for the 'Blackberry' colour, Chris Figg really rated it. I think I like it.
we are having problem getting App connect to connect, god only knows why, Figg certainly doesn't. We are planning our first UK trip in a couple of weeks and then 2 months in Europe from start of April,
Arn't california's a dream to drive, park and come to that keep your beers cool.

I don't know App connect otherwise would offer to help you as I'm same area. Anything else you want help with just ask.

For me the California is a camper utility vehicle first, that's how I always used to think of motorhomes, vans and land-rovers so it is something that I have never ever got over, just how nice the Cali is to drive. Mine is as much to be seen in Sainsbury's car park or outside the gym as it is on a campsite somewhere and if I have long journeys to make then it is the vehicle of choice over the BMW.

Nothing quite like pulling on to a very crowded service station, seeing the queues waiting to use the facilities, buy junk food or even just get in and out of the horrid places and instead just move to the back, make a nice cup of tea in peace, a nice salad for lunch or a fresh sandwich, tidy up and off again.

I fell in love when I brought Albert home and we have been falling more in love since!
Hello Belinda,
Welcome. They are wonderful vehicles and guaranteed to put a smile on your face every time you go out in it. Pictures please.
I love the blackberry colour - we were trying to get the dealer to sell us his blackberry demo but he wasn't keen on that idea o_O

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