Our first tow with the California



VIP Member
T6.1 Ocean 204
Well it's been a long journey in many ways.

There's a more detailed version with photos available here - https://www.caravanramblings.co.uk/?p=6351. There are also many tips and routes etc for touring in Spain on our website.

Anyhow, after several Kia Sorento's, our latest Towcar is a VW California Ocean in Indium grey with the 204PS engine.

My thoughts so far...

- The power of the 204PS is more than enough for our 1600kg van (fully loaded).
- Cruising on the motorways you really don't fell any instability whatsoever. It exceeds our experiences with the Kia Sorento which I find remarkable.
- We averaged 25mpg which on this journey.
- 80l fuel tank upgrade a game changer.
- The Bike Rack sits on the tailgate of the Cali and I can load the bikes without the high-wire act of a lightweight 3-step ladder.
- Once Bikes are loaded onto the rear rack, forget opening the tailgate.
- Comfort wise, the cabin on the Cali is very comfortable and it was an effortless tow to the South of Spain.
- Still getting to grips with the packing. The reason for the Cali is for us to be able to head off from the Caravan and explore areas for just a few days. Deciding what should be in the Caravan versus campervan still a work in progress.
- Space is tight out of our house and around the locality and we wondered if the Cali would be more of an issue negotiating the busy streets and tight turns but again, no problems out first time.

So far so good
I found my 150 DSG a great towcar (approx 1400-1500kg on the back)
only slight disadvantage compared to previous towcar is that i cannont open to Cali boot while hitched up. Customs could be a hassle if they want to see what's in the boot!
again similar mpg to you, but hope it improves with warmer weather. i still get 30mpg when i tow the same load with the Sprinter Van!
I would imagine the Cali being tall makes a great tool for towing a caravan with a nice streamlines wedge shape to increase aerodynamics and reduce fuel consumption. Any noticeable issues like increased propensity for wheel spin when caravan is loaded.
I would imagine the Cali being tall makes a great tool for towing a caravan with a nice streamlines wedge shape to increase aerodynamics and reduce fuel consumption. Any noticeable issues like increased propensity for wheel spin when caravan is loaded.
i found no wheelspin when i towed last month, but was gentle on the throttle pulling away for example

VW California Club
