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Hello, I am trying to replace the wee rubber stopper that attaches to the moulded bumps on the back of the window blind (which some people call the spice rack blind) that slides in and out of the wardrobe, as pictured. I know what it looks like but somehow I have lost it, and the folks at my local VW dealer can’t seem to locate the part number, so I can’t order a replacement. A photo and/or a part number would be helpful if anyone knows. If you have one on your T5/T6/T6.1, it is easy to unclip and clip back on (you may not even need to take the blind out). With a photo, I could perhaps ask them to look through their schematics, which are more detailed than what I have. I showed this photo in a related note but didn’t get any replies, hoping asking the question this way may uncover something. Thank you.