Please Use Search Before You Make a New Thread



VIP Member
T6 Ocean 204 4Motion
It has come to our attention recently that we are receiving the same questions on the forum over and over again, this is not a major problem but it can make the forum a bit messy and difficult for people to find the answer to a question if there are dozens of threads about the same topic.

So in the interest of keeping this forum informative and easy to read, we please ask that you use the search function to research your topic before you post a new thread. In many cases, the question you have will already have been answered in an exiting thread.

Our search function has recently been changed to give very accurate results, please give it a go.

Many thanks :thumb

Forum Team
It might be because you are aiming at the wrong people.
You put a note on a reply that I did telling me to do a search first when I hadn't started the thread and was just responding to someone else's question. I couldn't,t understand what you wanted me to search, I was just doing a reply.
There was nothing I could search, I was just responding .
Fair point but as is the way with all sorts of forums the same questions keep cropping up. It is about people learning to search a little more though.

I can see the problem presumably of overload.
Perhaps we need a big sign when you open anew thread asking you to do a search first?

Since this started I have tried to use search and I can't make it work ( I am an idiot with a computer). So maybe a short instruction would help people like me?

And, finally, When did you go to Louisiana Ian?


VW California Club
