Privacy Blinds



VIP Member
Hi Cali Crew,

First days camping all is cool except the person who designed that god awfull front window privacy blind :headbang . Poles.!!!! I've seen a tent with less poles there has got to be something better out there than that blind.! Please someone post me a link for more simpler privacy blind.

Is there one for the rear window. Preferably one without poles. :thumb


should have a blind in the rear window - pulling up from the bottom hooking on the top

we leave front blind made up in the roof so fairly easy to slide straight into place from the roof

dave and lisa
I ordered a silverscreen for my T6 over the phone on Monday and it arrived Tuesday. Excellent customer service and it fitted perfectly - no condensation in this morning and no light leaking in.
Silver screen works for us too...very neat and smart...and does the job well
I find two of my side blinds are rubbish at returning up, anyone else have these problems? Im pondering taking them in on warranty. In the morning they just wont return, at other times they are fine. I suspect its temp related.
I find two of my side blinds are rubbish at returning up, anyone else have these problems? Im pondering taking them in on warranty. In the morning they just wont return, at other times they are fine. I suspect its temp related.
Yep, my blind on the side door is a bit slow, I tried a bit of silicon spray on the wire and runner, it made it a bit better. Like you I suspect it's temp related.
Couldn't agree more about the blinds and the Comfortz screen - the VW front blinds were used once and that was it for us!
I prefer to look at the view whilst having my wake up coffee, no way am I wandering around outside to remove an external blind. Find the supplied VW blinds easy to put on and remove, especially in the winter. Rarely have any problems with internal condensation but then I use the window vents and heater if necessary and as I pointed out in another post the vehicle is kept dry inside with some Disposable Dehumidifiers.
I prefer to look at the view whilst having my wake up coffee, no way am I wandering around outside to remove an external blind. Find the supplied VW blinds easy to put on and remove, especially in the winter. Rarely have any problems with internal condensation but then I use the window vents and heater if necessary and as I pointed out in another post the vehicle is kept dry inside with some Disposable Dehumidifiers.
Mine arrived today.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Yep, my blind on the side door is a bit slow, I tried a bit of silicon spray on the wire and runner, it made it a bit better. Like you I suspect it's temp related.

Yes ours is like that. The problem seems to be the bottom trim slot on the left side (looking out) doesn't line up correctly. A good thump cured ours for a while but its moved again. Time for a bigger thump.
It would have better if there were two noggins instead of one in the middle.
The great thing about the Cali and the equipment that you can buy that fits it or that can be Heath Robinsoned, is that there is usually a solution to suit all. We are now working out how to make a free standing Quechua into a drive away awning!!
I ordered a silverscreen for my T6 over the phone on Monday and it arrived Tuesday. Excellent customer service and it fitted perfectly - no condensation in this morning and no light leaking in.
I ordered a silverscreen for my T6 over the phone on Monday and it arrived Tuesday. Excellent customer service and it fitted perfectly - no condensation in this morning and no light leaking in.
I ordered a silverscreen for my T6 over the phone on Monday and it arrived Tuesday. Excellent customer service and it fitted perfectly - no condensation in this morning and no light leaking in.
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VW California Club
