Pucer thermal screens

Great find Mark, We have one of those and they work very well in both hot and cold weather. Quite a few people on the forum had been asking where to buy them so thanks for posting this as I had lost the contact details.
Hi Martin, I notice your one is not silver? The darker colour looks much better

had to pay a bit more to get this done .and had my windscreen covered in black .just to be different
Hi, these look good so I am trying to weigh up the pro's and con's versus a Vanarok. The pucer is good because it allows you to still us the roof rack and also they will keep the car cooler in very hot weather. The one downside is that you don't have windows with the pucer screens.
Hi Mark, we use a Pucer, they work really well in both hot and cold weather but the downside is they do feel a bit claustrophobic especially in the summer, however if you can live with that they are really good value and take up hardly any room.
Would never use mine in warm weather as if the roof gets wet it will soon dry. Good in very cold weather though.
You can get a roof rail version Vanorak I think. I have the standard Vanorak, would not be without it.
Martin, as a Pucer user, how do these get 'attached'? Do you slide them down the sides between the canvas and the roof's elevating arms?
I take it that they cover the windows, but in hot weather when you unzip the interior of the windows do you get any breeze?
Also, do they 'do up' across the back?

How much do they cover the top air vents?
They slide between the canvas and the elevating arms, use a bungee cord to fasten at the back. With windows open a breeze would not really get in. The top air vents are mostly left to work ok.

In any event I think that if you get one that you will only use in very cold weather. The sales pitch about using in hot weather just does not make any sense to me as when hot far better to unzip the windows..!!!!
Thanks for the quick reply.
The whole Pucer / Mütze Cap / Vanarak / Kosi Kamper / Iso-Top scene is quite complex in some ways.
I guess that you pays your money and takes your choice.
There are obviously pros and cons for each 'type'.
I looked at all of them in detail. Think that all of them will get very little use really. So for ease of putting on and taking off, no real need to dry off, the Pucer gets my vote.
I can second what BerndRos says, we only use ours when we really need to, most of the time it stays packed away, also if it does get wet it is very easy to dry and fold away.
Thanks folks. That helps make up my mind.
I take it that the rear side does not oeave much canvas exposed?
About 5 inches exposed at the rear. And at the top front there is a foldable flap that tends to to let the canvas breath a little.

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