Radio reception



Lindfield, West Sussex
Hi All,

First ever post!

Does anyone else have any issues with poor reception on their radio?
Anything a bit rural and it just keeps cutting out and then comes back for a few seconds and then out again.

I have other vehicles that I drive and they don't have the same problem in those areas.


Yes, I have a 2010 facelift, VW said it was a known issue, think they replaced aerials in wing mirrors ? And fitted a booster, all ok now.
ryanwalker said:
Hi All,

First ever post!

Does anyone else have any issues with poor reception on their radio?
Anything a bit rural and it just keeps cutting out and then comes back for a few seconds and then out again.

I have other vehicles that I drive and they don't have the same problem in those areas.



As has been said, this was a known problem with the early facelift models, where VW took the aerial from the windscreen into the NSF mirror on a cost saving exercise. The cure is some sort of magnets??, fitted in line. this is, of course, all sorted out under warranty.

On early ones we fitted ferrites on the aeriel lead but this was only possible to do properly when the original VW head unit was still fitted as we need to plug the van into the diagnostic machine to see what the strength of the radio reception is. We have also found cases when customers have fitted aftermarket phone kits and also aftermarket iPod kits where this has interrupted the radio reception as well.

Definately worth getting it checked though.
Thanks Alex, that's what I meant!
Thanks for all your advice gents.

I got bored one day so I stripped back some of the dash to get at the back of the radio and just for fun unplugged the Tracker that I had had fitted as soon as I took delivery of the vehicle and the radio cleared staight away.

The guy's coming back to relocate the tracker next week.

The good news was that within 2 minutes of unplugging the tracker, I received a call from their call centre making sure that the car hadn't been nicked.

Thanks again.

VW California Club
