Raising sink unit shelf



Guest User
Has anyone raised the sink unit shelf themselves and so knows what is involved?

This is for a Porta potti.

I'm presuming that I can reuse the existing brackets but need to very carefully drill new holes for them higher up?

Thanks in advance,

Yes, that's exactly what I did. I also glued the brackets in place.

My reason for lifting the shelf was to fit a ' WaveBox ' Microwave underneath.
I've done it. Yes you can reuse the clips. I wound quite a bit of electrical tape on the end of the drill bit about Xmm in to help ensure it wouldn't go all the the way through (I forget what the thickness of the panel is bit it is detailed in the instructions for the potty base if you have bought it)Use a new sharp drill bit. Measure twice, drill once (I sound like my Grandad). When moving around to get the best position to drill, try not to get your shoulders stuck in the cupboard like I nearly did...
Base is currently in the post to me. Didn't realise it came with instructions for the shelf :oops:

Thanks both for your help; good suggestion for the drill bit.


VW California Club
