Recipe for a mixed cheese soup!!



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T6 Beach 150
Yesterday, we discovered a novel way of making a fantastic, alcoholic mixed cheese soup (Yuck!).
1) First, plug in your VW cool/hotbox and set to cold. Then load in one bottle of Prosecco, one bottle of chardonnay, assorted luxury cheeses, six pints of full cream milk, half a kilo of butter and freezer blocks (frozen) to fill all the crevices.
2) Proceed in a westerly direction, towards the Stratford Cali meet.
3) Marinade for five hours in heavy traffic on the M25.
4) Then, after having a delicious meal in an Oxfordshire pub, you discover that 'yours truly' or Mrs B has pressed the "hot" button at some stage early on!
5) Open the box to discover a steaming cheesy concoction, sloshing about in the bottom!
6) After a brief heated altercation with Mrs B, dump said contents into an Oxfordshire car park bin, for the local Reynards to savour.

Learning point 1.
The VW cool/hotbox is very efficient at warming things up, especially things one doesn't want warmed up.

Learning point 2.
It's not quite so good at keeping things cool over a longer period.

Learning point 3.
Buy a proper fridge ASAP and in the meantime
double check whether hot or cold light is on!!!!!
Learning Point 4.
The VW cool/hotbox seals hermetically preventing any odours from escaping. Either that or both of you have lost your sense of smell... :)
No odour - Borris just noticed the wrong light on! If left unnoticed until morning the Prosecco may have exploded!! (Mrs B)

VW California Club
