Refitting the roof shutter - tips needed



Lifetime VIP Member
T5 SE 180
Our roof roller shutter came out of its rails and in the process of trying to fix this, the whole shutter has come out (wasn’t me - honest guv ).

We have tried to feed it back in but to not avail.

Any tips from anybody who might have had a similar problem.

We don’t want to use anything like silicon spray et. because under normal circumstances, the bloomin thing doesn’t stay shut when we are driving. Oh the irony!

Any tips or hints much appreciated.
I have taken ours out by lifting the mattress and sliding it out past the end of the runners. It just slides back in. Lift the mattress up sufficiently and it just slots in from the rear.

When you put that mattress back down, make sure the velcro engages. Otherwise your mattress may impinge on the bellows when closing and cause them to interfere with the mechanism.

In terms of making it stay shut, I have found that last year‘s National Trust membership cards wedged in to the slot either side of the handl/finger slot works a treat. Not very pleasing on the eye, but effective. Other cards may be just as effective.

I’m a big fan of silicon spray (in fact I have been liberally dosing it today ahead of a big trip) but this is the last place on the van you want it. Like greasing a pig.
Much appreciated. I didn’t try lifting the mattress as part of the process. Seems obvious now you suggest it. Will give that a go. Cheers

Don’t let English Hertiage know that NT have the edge :)

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