Removal of the rock n roll bed from cali T5


Mrs J.H

Please can anyone tell me how easy it is to remove the rocknroll bed from a Cai T5. Also does it go back in easily too & is there any consequences of doing this?

Thank you
Mrs JH
There was a tread on it
But thistime not so helpful as the given link does not work( anymore)

Think it is a good idea to put the handling with pic on here .
Don't think many of us actually did ever removed the rear seat.

The front stops in the rail needs to be taken out and there is a small hole on the side of the seat (visible when standing beside the Cali with the sliding door open) where you need to push in a screwdiver or small pin to release the seat ...
And for the weight , a two man job!
Here a close up where you can see the small hole ...
We've taken it out to do university runs previously, it needs at least two strong people better three in my opinion, we put wooden ramps to help slide it down. If this is something you will need to regularly I would think again. It does flatten easily provided you haven't got stuff everywhere, just need to pull it forward.

VW California Club
