Replacement Flexible Light bulb



VIP Member
North Hertfordshire
T6.1 Ocean 150
My flexible "upper bunk" light doesn't work. I've taken the back off and slipped out the bulb. The filament appears broken and my very limited electrical knowledge tells me the bulb needs to be replaced.

There are some older threads on here indicating that I could obtain an LED if I was prepared to file down the opening in the light. If an LED is brighter and provides a nice warm light and it was easy to put in, I'd like to buy one. Has anyone done this recently? Alternatively, I'd be quite happy to replace it with a halogen. With a magnifying glass I was able to read on the bulb "Osram 6411 12v 5w". But a google search just brings confusion. Any opinions / recent experiences?
Reviews of the product suggest a white light, rather than warm. I wonder if anyone on here have tried them in the flexy reading light? Any other ideas for a warm replacement bulb?
Mine fell apart once but the nice man at VW managed to get it all back together
and working - for free o_O
So I'm still on the original one but it gets quite hot and if your not careful
it could easily get accidentally turned on while packing away the roof.

I will change it sometime but I've heard that those sram ones are too short for it to
reach the velcro strap to hold it in place and they aren't bright enough.

This was an option that i found, it says you could leave it running
for about 11yrs 24-7
Does anyone know which fuse this light has?
I might change the light fitting one day - if it breaks. In the meantime, I think just a replacement bulb is the way to go. Better for my pocket and the environment (especially if LED). I thought there would have been quite a few people who had replaced the bulb.

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