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Resetting control panel 2012 Cali



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Does anyone know how to reset error codes on a 2012 Cali.
It’s come back from VW with still the codes and no Aux heater working.
tried holding down numerous buttons following advice but doesn’t seem to work.
I had a lightbulb moment and realised my heating stopped working after both leisure batteries were replaced.
Hoping it’s just a reset.
Does anyone know how to reset error codes on a 2012 Cali.
It’s come back from VW with still the codes and no Aux heater working.
tried holding down numerous buttons following advice but doesn’t seem to work.
I had a lightbulb moment and realised my heating stopped working after both leisure batteries were replaced.
Hoping it’s just a reset.
Switch Off Control Panel using lower left button twice. Wait 30 secs and Switch On.

Turn the Control Panel back On

1. Hold down the centre of the rotary button together with the menu button (button below with the squares or return arrow on it) for 5 seconds.
2. You will get the hidden menu.
3. Rotate the rotary button to get to "VW diagnose" and select this by pressing on the centre of the rotary button.
4. If no errors are present it will display "no errors"
5. If Errors are present then a list of errors will appear
6. Press the centre of the rotary button again to delete all the errors
7. Repeat process above just to check that errors have dissapeared!
8. Return to Main Menu.
9. Re-configure the time and date if neccesary.
10. Switch Off Control Panel using lower left button twice. Wait 30 secs and Switch On.
11. Check roof, heater, fridge

Any problems should be resolved assuming these are Electronic and not Mechanical.

Error Codes from Control Panel.

1 = 1 = Pop-up roof
2 = 2 = Plumbing Heating
3 = 3 = Cool box Cooler
4 = 4 = Sewage wastewater
5 = 5 = Fresh water
6 = 6 = Outside temperature
7 = 7 = Battery
Error Code Defect Fault
1010 1010 Short-circuit to (earth) roof
1001 1001 Fuse / short circuit to (plus+) roof
1100 1100 Short-circuit output Roof "on"
1101 1101 Fuse roof "to"
1110 1110 Short-circuit output Roof "to"
1111 1111 Fuse starting Roof "to"
2100 2100Short-circuit output heating on / off
2101 2101Fuse output heating on / off
2001 2001 Interrupt input heating 30
3100 3100Short-circuit output coolbox
3101 3101Fuse interrupt output coolbox
3001 3001-J698-cooler input error "Active"
3010 3010Short-circuit input icebox "actual temperature"
3011 3011Interrupt or fuse input icebox "actual temperature"
4000 4000Short-circuit to ground water level sensor
4001 4001Fuse circuit to plus water level sensor failure
5000 5000Short-circuit to ground water level sensor
5001 5001Short circuit to plus water level sensor failure
6000 6000Short-circuit to ground temperature sensor or for outdoor temperature
6001 6001Fuse / short circuit to plus two temperature sensors for outside temperature
7001 7001interrupt input interrupt input D + (Power Loss, 2nd battery)
Thank you KH Cali, I’ll try this.

VW California Club
