"Roof Elevated" Flashing on Control Panel when Closed



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T5 SE 174
Occasionally when I have lowered the roof, the "elevated roof" symbol still flashes on the control panel, as if the roof is still raised.

When I check around outside, the roof is clearly fully closed all the way round with now visible problem.

As I say, it doesn't do it all the time.

Does this ever happen to anyone else ? Is it anything to be concerned about ? Is there a sensor somewhere that I might need to clean, that might be making the control panel think its still open ?

Can anyone shed any light on it ?

Never heard of such a problem , if resetting the controlunit does'nt help think you need to go to someone (vw-dealer) who as a computer to read- out the unit.
Or maybe there is an actually technical malfunction on your roof witch is invisible or hidden.
Could be there's a failure in the detection in the hydrolic system that keeps thinking it is not fully lowerd , oil- level low,...
Best to sort it out!
Mmmm, okay - how do you reset the control unit ??
This happened to me a couple of times when I first got the van.
I had been stopping the pump doing the closing when it was visibly closed rather than leaving it until the pump stopped itself (after finishing its evacuating/purging I think the expression is?).
When I did it properly, it's never recurred.
Might be the same problem?
This happened to me a couple of times when I first got the van.
I had been stopping the pump doing the closing when it was visibly closed rather than leaving it until the pump stopped itself (after finishing its evacuating/purging I think the expression is?).
When I did it properly, it's never recurred.
Might be the same problem?

Thats offcorse the first thing you need to do , hope in his case thats the problem ....
Yes, I always keep the button pressed until the "noise" stops.

It only happens very occasionally and the roof is always properly seated when it does happen, so I'll stay aware of it and if it starts to happen more regularly I'll perhaps take it to the dealer.
Did you have any luck investigating this problem? Ours has just started to do the same thing (conveniently while we were 1000 miles away from home too!)

I fear a big bill is looming
I too was getting the Roof Open warning when the roof was closed. I discovered a rubber buffer lying in the roof channel. After I removed it the warning went away.

Does anyone know where it comes from please? Presumably it belongs somewhere in the roof mechanism but I can't find a similar item on the other side, so maybe it has fallen out both sides. It's about 1cm diameter.

Rubber buffer.jpg
Put it fully up.
Put it fully down.
Put it fully up in the sunshine to make sure it is dry and properly tensionned.
Put it down.
Does it go away?
We did that and it did go away for a while. However a day or so later while driving, it then beeped once and the display then started to flicker between the roof opened and roof closed emblems. I switched the controller off and hoped it would go away, which on switching it all back on again today it was showing the roof closed symbol again.

Intermittent seems to be the word.

I'll get it looked at when the Mot is due in a few weeks unless the problem returns with a vengeance, at the moment I'm not feeling inclined to pay the VW investigation fee only to be told they can't find a problem.
The standard VW dealer get out is "we couldn't simulate it."
The ONLY way you can counteract this, is to be present and demonstrate it yourself.
Unfortunately, there are many faults that make it difficult to be around at appropriate times and in my experience there are few dealers who encourage it which is disappointing.
VW Van dealers are not alone in this, of course, I've experienced it with a range of VW saloons (including very top of the range GTis, specialised BMW coupes and shopping Hondas.
I'm retired now so have plenty of time to 'be around' and don't let them get away with it.

Interestingly enough, I've had the same problem with my folding Brompton bikes (the pinnacle of UK design, engineering and after sales care, I'm told by them). At least in this instance I can take the machinery to bits, identify the component defect and replace or fix them myself.

In the days of Morris Minor and Mini engines and gearboxes I could do the same as with the folding bikes but modern autos are seriously beyond both my ken and tools, so hanging around drinking the dealer's coffee while they have time to let me sit in is the only answer for those intermittent faults.
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Yep, that's why I'm reluctant to book it in. Sorry sir, we put the roof up and then closed it and it was fine. £118 please.

Sadly I think I'll have to wait for it to fail properly so the fix is obvious.
My roof opened passenger side at 70mph on autoroute in France, we pulled into an aire raised and lowered the roof. No problems since.
It was quite scary with the inrush of air into the cabin.

I think the roof is secure, we just got home from France yesterday after 800 miles of auto route. I suspect a dodgy computer, but the rattling awning (I think) didn't do anything to help my nerves!
My roof opened passenger side at 70mph on autoroute in France, we pulled into an aire raised and lowered the roof. No problems since.
It was quite scary with the inrush of air into the cabin.

here it goes

Many thanks morfar. I did wonder about that location but as the buffers were missing from both sides, didn't want to put it where it might not belong.

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