Running van from "Ecoflow" how to turn off battery charger? AND step grounding.



Bristol S/W
Grand California 680
Away this weekend, decided to use Ecoflow as we were without mains, just using it for air fryer but I noticed as soon as I power the vans sockets the battery charger kicks in and uses 300watts extra, we had good sun and do have solar so would like to switch off onboard battery charger?

Also parked near a canal in Wales and step grounded going over bridge, luckily no damage, it just filled up the inside with turf/mud. I guess apart from removing step there is no easy way to gain extra height which means we can't go back to this new canalside site.
Easiest way is just to unplug it, look under the passenger seat and you will find the unit, the mains supply is the black kettle plug (iec320 c13) in the side. Or if you are not using the Truma heater switch the 16A breaker in the utility cupboard off.
Ah , thanks. Easier to turn off mains switch. Will boiler still work on gas.
Just to be clear .. the 16A MCB only, not the RCD or 10A MCB.
Away this weekend, decided to use Ecoflow as we were without mains, just using it for air fryer but I noticed as soon as I power the vans sockets the battery charger kicks in and uses 300watts extra, we had good sun and do have solar so would like to switch off onboard battery charger?

Also parked near a canal in Wales and step grounded going over bridge, luckily no damage, it just filled up the inside with turf/mud. I guess apart from removing step there is no easy way to gain extra height which means we can't go back to this new canalside site.
Don't power the vans sockets, plug in an extension lead to ecoflow and power your airfryer from that.
I have my 240 volt changeover switch in the technical cupboard. I think it will be easy to turn the fuse off to the charger and heater at the same time.

This way it will give me the convenience of using all the vans outlets. We do like cooking on induction just outside the door.
Don't power the vans sockets, plug in an extension lead to ecoflow and power your airfryer from that.
While I wish I had the technical knowhow to install a changeover switch with the EcoFlow/vans electrics, I have what you describe and have an extension socket running under the garage carpet to the hab area, works a treat. When off grid, I have a 3m EHU with a 3 pin plug to charge the van leisure battery if needed with the EcoFlow (delta max and additional delta max battery).
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I've created a remote "switch" using a shelly plus 1pm with a C13 and C14 cable and a 3d printed case this way via a press of a button the VW charger is switched off. Something to consider
Update to help others:
Away for four nights, first night I left awning light on and heating (by mistake) in morning battery was at 80%.
Used ecoflow to power ALL van sockets, by switching off 10 AMP trip that does indeed turn off battery charger and also you don't get a mains icon in control panel. Gas Truma still works OK.
Solar (175w) easily keeps up with fridge and battery gets back to 60hrs remaining.

Ecoflow used for coffee, air fryer, induction and hair dryer. All recharged by 120w fold out panel that on a few occasions showed 125w charging.

As long as it's sunny this all works. But can't wait until a way to fit lithium is found.

VW California Club
