Seeking Westfalia Front Control Unit - HELP!



VIP Member
Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe
Hello you all.. I am in desperat need of a working Control Unit for Cali T4 - The Control Unit number is 62 236 001 and has a number under the plug 506 603 - Can anyone tell me where I can buy a new one - Anywhere in Europe??
Help would be much appreciated..

Regards Caligrycho
Also applicable for swivel seat bases and fridges :D
Hi all.. Thanks for responding.. Too Bad is it not so easy I´m afraid - Already ordered this item from Günzl and it is to big for the hole in the roofsection and fridge button dont react.. Hope Günzl will take it back.. :?

My old control unit worked fine, just wanted light back in the unit and brought it to an electrician - who then by accident burnt the processor inside - So he is paying for the new one - IF I ever will find it - Have been writing and writing all day - I´m going mad... :headbang - HELP!!
Is your's an early T4 Westy? The panel without the heater controls?

I'd assumed the Gunzl ones were a direct replacement, so this is bad news :cry:

There was a guy trying to sell an interior on ebay recently. If you can track him down he may have one? He didn't respond to my message about the swivel bases (on the T4 Forum, I think it was the same guy - username gogavin).

Have you tried any of the Westy dealers?, or (there are others).

Let us know how you get on,
Hi Dan..
Yes mine is as early as 93.. And without the heat and the clock symbol.. And NO the one Günzl have is NOT an update - I thought so too..
Yes Dan, there was one in Ebay, its still on there, but was in contact with the guy, he sold it a year ago.. but he is looking to - I THINK..

I have been in contact with everything I could possible find.. Been writing mails like crazy, my fingertips are going to pieces..

Received a mail this morning that maybe its been found.. Now we see..

Thank you all for showing an intrest.. :hello
Thank you for being there.. :clap
Much appreciated.. I have tried to contact him, so now we wait and see.. Keeping fingers crossed

Thank you again.. :clap
Hi all - Thanks for your replies to my seeking..

The result became like this.. I ended up finding out that the Control unit that I bought from Günzl Classic Parts in Germany actually works - I paid 406.-€ and there is 4 small buttoms on the back of the unit that need to be worked in right position -(look on the back of the old one..)
I found out that this unit actually is made for Cali from 96 and forward..

I then cut the hole in the roof dashboard a little bit bigger aprox 8-9mm all around and now its fitting perfectly.. The new unit also have a clock so it was perhaps okay to cut..
At least I´ve got a brand new that I know works 100%..

A guy on ebay wanted 360.-€ for a used original fitting but he couldnt guarantee me that it worked 100%..

I also found another one on ebay for 100.-€ - He didnt know if it was working at all -
So all came to an end - finding out that the fridge sensor was broken.. Probably that was the problem in the first place.. Here is a link to open and print a test scheme and knowhow.. Its in German, use Google Translate..
And if you need a sensor just right to Jonny from Dometic in Luxemburg, the price is aprox 25.-€ with shipping.. Here is his mail and just inform him that you are in need of a sensor for a Cali fridge - Sparepart reference number 296.9711.01

Can not post more than 6 URL´s (annoying)
I would like to say thank you to all who helped me in this matter.. :clap :clap :clap

1. All you guys in here!! :clap :clap :clap
2. Samantha Wayne - Go Westy (USA) mail:
3. Steve Walker - Eastfalia (UK) mail:
4. Alex - Justkampers (UK) mail:
5. Groet Eelko - Poptop Campers (NL) mail:
6. Andrea Mamontow - Günzl Classic Parts (D) mail:
7. Jonny Schilderman - Dometic (LU) mail:
I hope you all receive the best part of life!! THANK YOU FOR YOU HELP!! :clap :clap :clap

Best Regards Caligrycho Denmark (DK)
Really good news, glad you got it sorted.


VW California Club
