Smelly blinds - is an ozone generator the answer



Ok I have to admit it, if you get your nose up close to our plastic pull down blinds, they smell.

Rather like unwashed clothes.

My theory is that after sleeping in the van, and breathing humidly all night, we roll them up without letting them dry and so the bacteria multiply.

We’ve tried to clean them with soap and water, vinegar, probably other things, which hasn’t worked. it hasn’t even worked on the rear blind where you get to both sides.

Looking at various sites the next thing to try is a de-smelling bomb or an ozone generator. I’m leaning towards ozone as it only costs a bit more to buy a multi use generator than a single use bomb (£80 vs £50).

Has anyone tried this? Will the ozone hurt anything? (There will be no people inside!)
Interestingly no one has reported the smell problem ☹️
Ours have only recently started to smell, when first pulled down. So interesting to read your theory and not one I had considered. I do find that the smell goes off quite quickly after pulling them down though. Gonna watch the thread for others comments
I’ve invested (£90) in an ozone generator and run it for 2 hour long sessions in the van.

it definitely works in terms of producing toxic gas.

So far my impression is that the van now smells of swimming pool.

My wife doesn’t think it has cleared the previous smell.
I have a fan running in the van so let’s see how it settles down but so far not recommended
Here's from the state of California: California on ozone generators.

Personally I really like the smell of diffuse ozone when it's produced by a thunderstorm. But there are other odours going on there that add to the experience.
Final post (probably).
My ozone generator also has an ’anion” setting.

I hadn’t heard of anions (positive ions?) but gave them a go and I reckon they helped clear the swimming pool smell, so we’re now pretty neutral, which is the result I was after.
so, probably success from ozone and anions
OK, I’ll admit it before someone else actually says it………. the thought of referring to a spelling mistake and odours in this thread had crossed my mind :D :D :D

We haven’t had this issue yet but now I will probably find it………..
Interested and following….

VW California Club
